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On the TV:

News Reporter: After the second alien attack on New York, Earth's mightiest heroes, the Avengers saved the day once again, except this time, we got a surprise no one ever expected. As seen on this footage taken by a civilian who was taking cover in a nearby cafe, you can see Captain America and the Hulk pulling Tony Stark aka Iron Man out from under a fallen building, moments later you see Steve Rogers aka Captain America kiss Iron Man. Steve Rogers and Tony Stark clearly have some explaining to do, but perhaps this may be the reason we see an engagement ring on Tony's finger. And now we will speak to Colonel Nick Fury, the director of S.H.I.E.L.D about the damages regarding the attack. 

Steve turned off the T.V. and set the remote down on the coffee table. 

"Tones, I'm sorry, I wasn't thinking, it's my fault, I-" Steve was cut off by Tony who was holding an ice pack to his shoulder. 

"Steve, it's no ones fault you, you did nothing." Tony adjusted himself on the couch so he was now looking at the tall blonde who was standing behind him. 

"Do you know what kind of uproar this will cause? News outlets everywhere are going to be talking about how two of the world's superheroes are making out during missions!" 

"Yes I understand that, but we'll deal with it," Tony said while stretching his arm out. Natasha came into the room annoyed and walking quickly. 

"Okay guys Coulson called us in for a press conference, get your asses up, I'm not waiting around." 

"God, why are you so mad, Ginger Spice?" Tony joked. 

"Well, maybe it's the fact that if you and Cap weren't macking on each other during a mission, we wouldn't have to be doing this conference," she rolled her eyes and motioned for Steve and Tony to follow her to the car waiting outside. 

The six Avengers walked into the large room filled with reporters, who all had microphones, notepads, and cameras. They all stood in a somewhat organized manner on the small stage, and Tony stepped up to the podium. 

"So I guess we'll take some of your questions," He stepped back a bit waiting for the reporters to bite at the remark and start asking away. 

"Mr. Stark, what was that kiss, or should I say few kisses between you and Captain America about?" shouted one of the reporters who readied their pen and paper eager to copy down what the answer would be. Tony turned around and looked at Steve who nodded and joined Tony at the podium. 

"Well, uh, the truth is, Steve and I are, well to keep the story short, engaged," Tony turned and smiled at the supersoldier then back at the group of reporters who had all jumped up and started shouting more questions. 

"What's with the sudden engagement?" Asked another reporter.

"That's another thing, it isn't so sudden for us since we've been dating for two years," said Tony. Behind the podium where no one could see, Steve had grabbed Tony's hand and held it knowing that Tony wasn't even ready to come out.

"How come you kept your relationship private for so long?"

"We just weren't ready. Well I'm really not ready now, yet here we are," Tony said jokingly, laughing a bit to cover his nerves. 

"We'd like your support and respect throughout this please, we didn't necessarily plan to come out like this," Steve smiled in hopes to lighten the tension in the room. 

"How does the team feel about you two being together?" Steve and Tony stepped away from the podium and allowed them to speak. 

"We all saw this coming, we knew they liked each other before they even knew," said Clint. 

"Okay that's enough questions for now," Steve said, the team started filing out as cameras flashed some more. 

**I feel like this is really bad,  but I had no ideas.**

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 30, 2018 ⏰

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