Avengers are great wedding planners

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"WE'RE ENGAGED!" Tony exclaimed walking into the common floor where the kitchen was located. He was followed by his new supersoldier fiance, who was smiling wide and laughing quietly at Tony's excitement. 

"What?" asked Clint who was half asleep at the kitchen counter eating cereal, but the announcement Tony made had woken him right up. 

"STEVE PROPOSED," Tony reuttered while showing off his hand which housed the ring that Steve had gotten. Tony was smiling big, and you could tell it was a true smile. 

"What?! That's great! Congrats you two!" said Bruce who was sitting on the couch on his laptop doing some random research as usual. 

"I was hoping you'd say yes, you never know with you, Stark," Natasha was on her phone in the kitchen and only stopped to look up and smile at the couple. 

"Wait, Nat, you knew?" asked Tony while he strutted over to a cabinet to grab a mug.

"Of course I knew, I know everything," 

"Steve told you?" 


Steve walked over to where Tony was and pressed a soft kiss onto his lips. He wrapped his arms around the smaller man and put his hands on Tony's ass. Tony smiled into the kiss and let out a small giggle as Steve's hands settled onto Tony's ass. 

"Get a room," Clint murmured while shoveling fruity pebbles into his mouth. Steve scoffed a bit at Clint's remark and ignored it while continuing to kiss Tony. 

"Hey, I said get a room," Clint rolled his eyes and tried to ignore the not so subtle, superhero make out session that was taking place near the refrigerator. 

"Shut it, Barton," hissed Tony, while leaning back in for more. 

"I'll have to agree with Clint on this one," Natasha was blunt in her answer and that finally got Tony to release from the kiss. 

"I have to call Pepper anyway," exclaimed Tony as he whipped out his phone. Even after they broke up they still remained fairly close since she does still help run the company. Just after a few rings, you could hear a light and calming female voice on the other end. 

"Hello?" the voice echoed. 

"Hey Pep it's me." Tony had a big grin on his face prepared to tell her the news. Pepper new his sexual orientation, and that he and Steve were in a serious relationship. That's the main reason why he and Pepper broke up, he was in love with Captain America. 

"Oh hey, Tony! I didn't recognize the number," she said with some enthusiasm, she seemed to be in a good mood which is good so she'll take the news especially well. 

"Yea I had to change it, but anyway I have some news." 

"Tony, please tell me you didn't destroy your lab again. Seriously the company can't afford to have to keep redoing your lab with expensive equipment every week." her voice sounded disappointed and hopeful that's not what happened. 

"We can afford it, but no I didn't destroy it yet. What I was gonna tell you is that Steve and I are engaged." he spat out the words like vomit, word vomit. He intended on easing into the subject a little more, but clearly, him being the blunt, quite hubris man he is, he just spat it out. 

"What?! Oh my god, Tony, this is great! I'm coming over I have so many ideas! Congrats you two!" beamed Pepper, she hung up quickly and didn't even give Tony time to say goodbye. 

"Well, Pepper is coming over." Tony laughed, slightly annoyed, but he understood. 

"Yea we could hear her shouting." Clint snapped. The morning was never really his thing. 

Steve walked over to Tony and kissed him softly, 

"I guess we're planning a wedding." 

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