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we are each given a small bright bird,

to nurture and care for. 

it is not certain where the bird comes from,

but it is alive in all at birth.

this sparrow often finds itself covered 

in black soot.

its kind feathers

tarnished by social norms 

and religious intolerance

and racist bigotry

and sexist discrimination 

and all the evils 

that streak the face of our

polluted planet.

and it's this place where

blood and disease run


in the water,

and peace and love and trust are

smothered by the hands of 

war and hatred.

 in this place,

there is a starving mouth,

a yearning mind,

an imprisoned body,

and an oppressed soul. 

but who are we, the mortals,

to give up?

cleanse the waters and wash the soot,

spreading the bird's sweet song across 

the land.

for there must first be a darkness

that the light overcomes.

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