Chapter 1

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Everything was the same, considering it had only been a year since we moved out. The buildings had the same old chipped paint, the yards seemed to be dying slowly from the scorching sun, and the roads were cracked and seemed worn out. I remember the first time we came here, the time when we were considered innocent children, when we didn’t know anything bad about the world and it seemed perfect to us…the time before Aunt Carol passed away. The memories still haunt me.


(The Past)

Our mom put us in the back of a cab, “Charlie, promise me that you will always take care of your brother and sister and you’ll do anything to protect them.” She said her voice shaken, handing me over Paige. “Yes, mom I promise. But where are we going?” I asked confused, now holding baby Paige in my arms. “You’re going to Aunt Carol’s for a little while, darling. She will take care of you and your brothers. I’ll join you soon.” She said giving me a warm smile, but I knew something was wrong her eyes said it all. “I love you so, so much.” She said then she cupped each one of our heads and kissed our foreheads gently. "Here take this. It will be a reminder of me. I will always be with you no matter what.” She said handing me over the silver studded necklace she always wore. She gave me a last kiss goodbye. Before I could even say ‘I love you’ or 'thank you' back she closed the door and the cab driver drove on.

It seemed to take ages to get to our Aunt’s house. Once we got there it was already dark; Luke (which was 2 at the time) was already asleep his little body curled up into a ball, while Paige (age 1) was in her car seat covered with a blanket dreaming happy dreams. The cab driver announced that we had arrived at our destination; I looked out the window to see a lady (in her mid 40’s) with jet black hair and slightly dark skin.

That was my aunt? She looked nothing like my mother; my mom had dark brown hair like mine, lightly tanned skin and hazel colored eyes. Right next to her was a tall man (possibly in his late 40’s); he had brown hair with signs of aging white hair (which also complemented his mustache), he wore big beady eye glasses that made his eyes look massive. I couldn’t understand their relationship; he was just so…well they do say love is blind.

Aunt Carol helped me get out of the cab, while Uncle Peter was unpacking our luggages from the trunk of the car. She reached in to get baby Paige and wake up Luke. I felt bad for them having to wake up Luke, I took his hand to help get off the car. Aunt Carol thanked the cab driver and we slowly started walking up the steps, clutching Luke’s hand in case he tripped.

We were finally inside, feeling the warm air hit my body I instantly took off my jacket. How could it be so hot in here when it’s cold outside? I never would understand these things (mind you I was 10). Uncle Peter laid the luggages on the floor near the sofa, while Aunt Carol took Paige to a room to rest. He sat down on his old recliner, motioning me and Luke to sit down on the sofa next to him.  

I slowly started walking towards the sofa pulling Luke along with me. Uncle Peter made me a little uncomfortable, something about him was…odd. Have you ever had a family member that you never really knew, but they were part of your family somehow so you had to socialize with them? Well that’s how I felt with Uncle Peter, sure he was my uncle but we didn’t know each other well. And I wasn’t going to bring my guard down for some sleazy family member.

I looked around their house, noticing they had a lot of antiques, old photos and breakable items. Not the best place for a one year old and a two year old to be running around in. “So Charlotte, how was the ride?” Uncle Peter asked, breaking my wandering around the room. “Call me Charlie, I don’t like Charlotte.” I replied. I may have been ten but, I was a sassy little bitch; as my uncle would come to say. Its not that I didn’t like my name I actually loved it, but it just didn’t suit me. Charlotte sounded like a name for a princess or something, something I was anything but. “That is not the name your mother gave you, it’s Charlotte.” He snapped back stunning Luke with his voice. I put my arms around Luke, trying to calm him down. “Peter leave the girl alone. If she wants to be called Charlie, let her that is none of our business.” Aunt Carol came in defending me. I saw Uncle Peter, a flourish of red sweeping over him. He looked like a tomato; I bit the side of my cheek to keep myself from laughing after all this was a serious matter.

Charlie, are you hungry darling?” Aunt Carol asked making the emphasis on Charlie. “Umm, yes.” I replied. She went to the kitchen and heated up some food for Luke and me. “Here it is darling, come eat up.” She said from the kitchen. I got up from the sofa, taking Luke’s hand and guiding his way. We entered the kitchen, walking past all the appliances and to the corner of the room stood a table and four chairs. I helped Luke get on the chair and pushed his chair in so that he’d be able to reach his food.

I walked over to my plate. I must have been really hungry because in less than ten minutes the food on the plate was gone. “Huh, you must have been hungry.” Aunt Carol said slightly chucking. I felt a rush of heat run to my cheeks, I hated when people made fun of me just because of my weight. It wasn’t fair I never say anything about them; yet they were perfect, there was nothing bad I could say about them.

When both Luke and I finished eating our Aunt showed us to our bedroom, luggage in hand. I guess it was big enough for the three of us. There was a huge bed in the middle of the room, covered with multi-colored sheets. Paige was fast asleep cuddled in the center, her head filled with happy dreams. Luke must have been exhausted because once he saw the bed; he shuffled over sluggishly and made the effort to climb the bed.

“Good night, sweethearts.” Aunt Carol said in the sweetest voice I ever heard her say. “Good night.” I said with a sheepish smile. As soon as she closed the door behind her, I went over to my luggage to take my pajamas. I walked over to the bathroom, changed quickly and closed the door behind me. I got up on the bed, pulling the covers over all of us. I lay my head on the pillow, fidgeting with my mother’s necklace that lay around my neck; filling my head with all these thoughts--thoughts that only made it harder to sleep. I realized now that this was going to be our life from now on.       

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