Chapter 4

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“Nice to meet you, Dimitri.” I said a smile creeping up to my lips, “My name is Charlie.” “Wait I thought it was Charlotte?” He asked. “Yeah, but I prefer Charlie.” I said simply. “Oh, nice. Um, yah know Dimitri is actually Russian.” He said smiling an innocent smile. “Really? That’s cool! Well, mine’s French. I think.” I said gloating. This Dimitri kid was pretty cool, he wasn’t like that other kid Jason, Jackson?

Suddenly the bell rung for all the students to return to their classes. “We should probably get going. You don’t want to be late your first day.” Dimitri said getting up from his seat walking towards the doors. I followed close behind. We arrived in class a little too early so there were practically no people in the classroom. I sat in my seat when a girl with bouncy red curls walked in, she was so pretty. I wanted to touch one of her beautiful curls that fell down her shoulders, “Hi, my name is Scarlett.” She said bringing me back from my daydream.

“Hi, I’m Charlie.” I replied. She started to furrow her eyebrows, “I thought-” She started to say when I cut her off, “I like Charlie better. It’s okay, I get that a lot.” I said shrugging it off. “Oh, I’m sorry I didn’t mean to-” Scarlett said when she the teacher came in and interrupted her. She automatically sat down next to me taking out her supplies. The rest of the kids had already filed into the class and were sitting in their seats. “So how do you like it so far?” Scarlett whispered since Ms. B had already started the lesson. “It’s okay, just had an argument over pudding with…what’s his name? Jason, Jared…?”I tried to think of that kid’s name. “Jake…?” She finished it off.

“Yeah, I think that was his name.” I said. “Yeah, he can be a real jerk sometimes.” Scarlett reassured me. So he wasn’t just a jerk to me, there were other people he bugged? “Is there something you need to share with the whole class, Scarlett and Charlie?” Ms. B said leaning against her desk. “Um, no.” We both replied in unison. I felt bad that I brought her up to this situation. “Well, next time you disrupt my class, I will have to give you detention.” She said pushing her glasses back into their position. She returned back to the lesson.

“Oh my gosh, I’m sorry! I didn’t mean for you to get in trouble because of me!” I said in a hushed voice. “Nah, it’s cool. Besides, it’s not as bad as you think. It’s just really boring.” Scarlett smiled. What? She’s been in detention before, this beautiful innocent child? How? Why? When?

“You‘ve been in detention before?” I asked. “Couple of times, but it was for stupid little things like talking, haven’t you?” Scarlett asked like it was ‘the thing’ kids did now-a-days. “Never.” I replied honestly. “Scarlett, Charlie you have detention after class.” Ms. B said writing our names on the board. “Well now you’re going to find out.” Scarlett said a wide grin on her face.  

We spent the rest of class silent. God it was sure boring, but I can only imagine how detention was going to be like. Finally the bell rung and the students felt, leaving Scarlett and I in the classroom. “Now, Charlotte I didn’t want to give you detention but you were disrupting my class and it only seems fair to the other students.” Ms. Baker explained. I just nodded my head, it’s not like it was a crime; although, Carol wouldn’t be too happy about me staying after class.

She continued on her rant about how it’s not a good habit too keep and things like that, but I was hardly listening. “I’ll be back in a few minutes, I don’t want any chatter. Is that clear?”She said before she walked out the door. We both nodded out heads in unison. “For being young she sure is strict.” I said once she left. “Yeah, I think it has to do with her husband divorcing her or something.” Scarlett said looking straight ahead. “How do you know?” I asked. “She used to be cool and fun, but one day she was just out of it and never retuned back to her usual self.” She continued. “Oh and she doesn’t have her ring anymore.”

It was weird how she knew all this information. “That’s…weird.” Is all that came out of my mouth. “Yeah, but enough about her, tell me about yourself. Why did you move here?” She asked, playing with a strand of her curls. “It’s a long story.” I replied looking at the floor. I didn’t want to say anything yet, especially when I didn’t even know what had happened. It was just a blur now, a memory that was jammed into my head. Something I couldn’t forget but yet I didn’t know all the details of. “We’ve got plenty of time.” She said a sympathetic smile spread across her lips.

“Well, I’m staying with my aunt and my uncle here. My mom had to do…some stuff so we’re staying with them for quite a while. And-” I started to explain. “What kind of stuff?” She asked. “I-I…” I thought about it for a while, I didn’t have an answer to that. In fact, I had various questions that I was afraid to ask; I needed the answers to them. “It’s okay if you don’t want to tell me, I see it’s quite personal.” Scarlett said kindly.   

For being a badass sometimes, she was a pretty good friend. “No, it’s not that I don’t want to tell you. It’s that…I just…don’t know.”  I said honestly. “Okay, well I think we’ve had enough staying here. You want to go?” Scarlett asked picking up her bag from the floor. “But, Ms. B hasn’t come back yet, won’t she get mad?” I asked. “Nah, well at least if we don’t get caught.” She said smiling a devious smile.  I really wasn’t the type of kid that ditched detention? If that was even a thing. I was a goodie-goodie type of kid, which didn’t help at all in this situation. “Charlie, seriously nothing is going to happen. I swear.” Scarlett assured me, already in front of the classroom.

 There was something about this girl that made me, just want to let go of everything and just go with the flow. When I was with her, she mad everything seem okay. There was some good in her, but was surrounded by her devious ways. “Okay, fine.” I said picking up my bag and heading to the door. “Okay so this is the plan, when I open the door we are going to run to the double doors. Once we are out those double doors we’re home free, got it?” She clarified. I nodded my head.  

She peered through the door to see if anyone was in the hallway, of course nobody was. “Okay the coast is clear. C’mon let’s go!” She said in a hushed tone. I ran as fast as my stubby legs could carry. Scarlett was already a few steps in front of me, her curly locks bouncing with every step she took; she looked so graceful. She pushed the door first then I did the same. We we’re finally outside.

Some how we managed to fall in the grass. “Well that was fun!” I exclaimed, brushing the grass from my hair. I could still hear my heart beat thumping in my ears. What a rush! “Charlie, you really need to get out more. So, I’ll be your friend.” She said giving me a warming smile. Wow, I could see now that this was going to be the start of a beautiful friendship.


Sorry, I've taken so long to upload. And for right now, I'm introducing the characters so it's not that intresting. But i promise it will get better, just bear with me.

So tell me what you think. Comment/ Vote/ Fan. Thank you so much for reading! :)     

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