Chapter 3

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“I would appreciate it if you were a little more polite to adults.” Aunt Carol said buckling her seatbelt. I don’t know why she was complaining I was polite, it’s not like I said ‘Yo grandma de name is Charleey.’ I smiled at my thoughts; I didn’t have to try that hard to cheer myself up, and it was mostly because I made funny scenarios in my head. “Sorry,” Is all I could think about saying, I didn’t want to be on her bad side now that I was on Uncle Peter’s, “It will never happen again.” She gripped the steering wheel tighter, trying to calm herself down. I don’t see why she was mad; I was just correcting someone, so what if they were older than me. She’ll get over it soon, I hope.

We rode the rest of the way in silence, Aunt Carol occasionally muttering under her breath not loud enough for me to hear. When we got home, Aunt Carol took off her seatbelt and turned to me, “Charlie, sorry for hat happened back there…I kind of just overreacted.” I stared at her in silence for a while. I finally decided to say something just to make sure she didn’t think I was ignoring her, “Umm, its okay.” I said smiling innocently.

To my surprise she leaned in, her arms outstretched and hugged me. I know it might sound stupid and immature but I just sat there letting her hug me; I didn’t know her well enough to hug her back, sure she was my aunt but I was barely getting to know her.                 

For the rest of the day, I didn’t do much except take care of Paige and Luke.

It was finally time for bed and I took Paige and Luke to our room. The room was okay; it had beige-colored walls and paining of sceneries, which made it seem kind of boring but I didn’t say anything about it. As long as we had a roof over our head it didn’t matter what the color of the walls were. I changed both of them into their pajamas and helped them up on them bed.

They slowly started to drift to sleep; me on the other hand got my necessities and headed to the bathroom. I took a quick shower, washing away my worries even for a little while. Then I went back to bed, I lay there with Paige by my side and Luke right next to her. I held the necklace in my hands; I couldn’t help but think of my mom. Why would she leave us? Were we not good enough? I felt my eyelids feel heavier with every thought that filled my head and then drifted off to sleep.  


I woke up the next morning, neither Paige nor Luke were beside me. Oh my gosh, where were they! I started panicking like crazy; I started looking in every possible place they could hide in this room and the bathroom. I opened the door, the one that led to the hallway. I ran down the hall to the living room. They weren’t there. I ran across the living room making my way through the furniture. I felt like I was in an action movie; I was the spy that had a very important mission to accomplish…it was nonetheless cool. But I still needed to find out where Paige and Luke where.

I finally reached the door to the kitchen , I was relived to see Aunt Carol with both Luke and Paige. She was feeding them breakfast; thank goodness nothing had happened to them. “Morning Charlie.” She said with a smile. “Mor-ning Aunt Ca-rol.” I said trying to catch my breath. “I didn’t want Paige or Luke waking you up for your big day!” She said overly excited. “Oh…thanks.” I said, finally regaining my normal breathing. “Okay, you should go get dressed now, don’t want to be late now do we?” She said feeding mashed bananas to Paige.

I walked back to my room, went to the closet and looked through my clothes. I went with the Mickey Mouse t-shirt, it was simple but it will do. I quickly put it on and then I put on whatever pants that were nearest to my reach. I went to the bathroom to see if I was decent looking enough, I was sort of all I needed to do was comb my hair. But it’s not like it was difficult, I always went with a ponytail. I picked up the backpack that was laying it next to the dresser and took it to the bed; I emptied it out, dumping all the clothes it had inside onto the bed. A mess I would soon clean up once I got home.

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