Chapter 2

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As I enter third block, English Lit I notice everyone speaking to each other frantically.

"He's in this class? No way!" Some girl that sits in front of me says gossiping to some other girl I don't know.

" I had him for my first, and oh my gosh he's so hot! I was going to ask for his Snap chat but some guy started talking to him." She finishes with an eye roll and an attitude. I decide to ignore whatever everyone's freaking out about and gather all my things. The teacher walks in and shuffles around on his desk for a few minuets He claps and opens his mouth to start talking but someone walks in looking confused.

"Hello! I'm Mr. Wick, you must be Ethan." He smiles and Ethan nods. He looks around and makes eye contact with me but they teacher interrupts us. " You can sit anywhere, though all the good seats are gone" He jokes and Ethan smirks looking around. He locks his eyes with something behind me then looks to me and smiles. The girls in my class that were eye raping him all turn to where he smiled at and looked to me with confused glances and angry glares. I chuckle and look down, but then notice someone in dark jeans walk to me, I look up to see Ethan and smile at him, he chuckles and whispers.

"Hey." I laugh quietly. And reply,

"Hey." He sits behind me and I straighten my back to make it seem i'm not lazy. 'Psh i'm extremely lazy but this boy is cute and I wanna be friends' After that the teacher begins his lesson, after a while I feel a poke on my back. I turn slightly to see Ethan shove a folded paper in my face. I smile and reach for it.

'Do you have a pencil? :)' I read which is written in pencil, but for some reason I found this hilarious. I slam my hand against my mouth to stop me from bursting out laughing. I hear Ethan chuckle behind me and I flip him the bird.

' Way to be prepared for the first day of school E. xD' I pass back the note and feel him gently flick my back. He didn't do anything after that so I focused on the lecture. The bell rung forty-five minuets later ringing for lunch. I pack my stuff and stand up. I begin to walk away when I feel a tug on my arm.

"You were gonna leave me?" He mocks hurt by putting a hand over his heart. I roll my eyes and nod.

"Don't wanna be eaten by all the hormonal girls in this school so I used you as a sacrifice." I joke back. He fake cries and I pat his shoulder in pity. I start to walk towards the cafeteria. He follows closely but we don't say anything. I go and sit down and Ethan sits across from me. "You bring food?" I ask and he shakes his head, I nod and dig in my bag for the left over food I made last night, I get up and go to the microwave and warm it up, I walk back and place the food in front of him with a smile.

" Eat up." I nod towards the food. He tilts his head.

"What about you?" I wave my hand at him.

"Not hungry. Don't worry I know how to cook if that's why you're worried." I joke, he smirks and takes a bite.

"Where did you learn to cook my goodness." He says digging in for more, I throw my head back and laugh. I shrug and watch him chug my food down in one go. I grab my bag and reach for my maths homework. I work on it while Ethan does whatever he's doing.

"What's your next class?" He asks when the bell rings, we get up and begin to walk out.

" I have art, how about you?"

"Gym" He replies. I nod looking at him.

"That's right next to the art room, I'll show you the way." I smile gently and walk quicker towards our classes. " And.. here it is." I point turning around the corner. He nods and I smile walking down a little to the art room.

"Hey." He calls out. I turn around. "Wait for me after okay?" I feel myself blush and nod. I quickly turn and enter class before I can make a fool of myself.


The bell rings ending school, I put up my brushes and put my painting on the dry rack and walk out. When I do I see Ethan leaning against a wall looking away. I smirk and quietly walk up to him.

"Boo!" I yell in his ear. He looks at me with a blank face. I roll my eyes. "You can at least pretend to be scared." He chuckles and we walk towards the car park. I walk towards my car and see Ethan still following me.

"Need a ride?" I ask and he shakes his head, and points to his car a few cars down. "Nice Challenger." I say checking it out from here. He smirks.

"Thanks." I nod and hop in my car and put down the window. Ethan leans his arm on the top and smiles, and I can feel the heat in my cheeks betraying me. "I'll see you back at our street?" I tilt my head in confusion.

"Huh?" He chuckles.

"I live on your street, I saw you pull in yesterday and leave this morning."

"Oh." I smile sheepishly. "Then yeah." I laugh. "Be prepared my dad will probably invite your family over for dinner, he always does." I admit embarrassed. He chuckles and nods.

"I'll take note of that." I smile and nod.

"See you later." I wave and he winks. I drive off to pick up Chloe and Madeline and pull into my drive way. As I do I see dads car and the girls rush in. I grab my bag and go in and see the house is spotless.

"Hi girls!" He sings walking out of the kitchen "Go get dressed and clean your rooms, I've invited the new neighbors for dinner!"

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