Scene 2: Work Free Week

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(Nani and Michael both pull away)

Michael: Okay, well I'll see you tomorrow?

Nani: Ummm... yeah

Michael: Okay, later.

Nani: Later.

(Michael leaves the house)

*Setting changes to Nani's room*

(Nani paces back and forth in front of her desk with her laptop open on a blank page)

Nani: Ugh, why can't figure this out? (Nani pushes her hair back frustrated)

Nani: (sits back down) Calm down, Nani. You can do this you just have to Think.

*An Hour Later*

Nani: (panicking) Think, Think, Think! What is wrong with me? Why can't I do this?! Okay try to calm down Nani. Just text Michael and invite him over and he can help you calm down and relax. Just take deep breaths. Don't panic (Nani takes deep breaths)

(Nani grabs her phone and start to text Michael)

Nani: Hey

Michael: Hey, how's your script writing going??

Nani: Not so well, can you come over?

Michael: Sure, I'll be there in 10 or 15.

Nani: Thanks, Love you.

Michael: Love you too.

End of Conversation

(10 or 15 minutes later)

*knock knock knock* (coming from Nani's bedroom door)

Michael: Nani it's me

Nani: Come in!

(Michael walks in, wraps his arms around Nani while she's sitting down, staring at the laptop, and kisses Nani on the forehead)

Nani: I'm not in the mood.

Michael: What's wrong?

Nani: Can you guess?

Michael: I don't know if I can.

Nani: How come?

Michael: Well, I've never seen you like this before.

(Nani turns to look up at Michael with his arms still wrapped around her)

Nani: I think (she hesitates) I hit writer's block and I don't know what to do.

Michael: Is that why you invited me over?

Nani: I needed some company to help me calm down.

Michael: Well you know I'm always here for you.

Nani: I could use a little help.

Michael: I'm not sure how I can but you know I'm here for you.

Nani: Thanks. That's pretty much all I need. 

Michael: Come here (he helps her get off the chair and puts her in his arms) You are the best author of the year, and  you have been working so hard. All you need is to relax, take a break. When is the script due?

Nani: (gets out of his arms) In two weeks, but you know how quickly time flies around here.

Michael: We can spend this week relaxing, no working. We can go to the mall, to the park, you name it. We can also do some live streams if you want!

Nani: Okay (nod) I can do that.

Michael: Good, your work free week starts now. Let's go downstairs and watch some movies. I'll get some drinks and pop some popcorn. 

Nani: Okay, let's go.

(They make their way downstairs)

Nani: (slips on last 5 steps) Whoa!

Michael: (catches her) Watch out!!!!

Nani: Wow that was a really close fall. Thanks for catching me.

Michael: Didn't I say I will always be there for you?

Nani: Yes (gives him a kiss on the cheek) thanks (walks towards the living room)

Michael: No problem. 

(They sit on the couch watching Pure Country 2: The Gift)

Michael: (looks at Nani) I love you

Nani: I love you too 

(Michael leans in to kiss Nani)


Nani: (she pulls away after 1 minute to check a text) It's Aubrey, she's wondering about the story. Should we invite her over?

Michael: Sure. Tell her to bring Nick along. We should tell them about your work free week.

Nani: Okay (sends a text to Aubrey)

Nani: Just come over to my house and bring Nick along. Michael and I have something important to share.

Aubrey: Okay, I'm on my way to pick Nick up and we will be on our way.

Nani: Great okay, later girly

Aubrey: See ya later

End of Conversation 

A/N: Yay!!! New Update. Bad News though. I'm gonna be busy this weekend and may or may not be able to update. But we'll see. Comment, vote, fan! Luh ya ;)

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