Scene 12: Live Stream Part 2

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Michael: Okay so what we're going to do is find a few more numbers and they have to give a one truth question and one dare.

Nani: Okay so how many numbers should we do?

Michael: Ummm... how about four? You find two and I'll find two.

Nani: Okay, sounds good. (looks for numbers of her phone)

Michael: You ready?

Nani: Yep.

Michael: Okay you go first.

Nani: Okay (she holds out her phone while it's on speaker) 


Random Caller 3: Hello?

Nani: Hey this is Nani and Michael.

Random Caller 3: Hi there!

Nani: Hey, so can you give me or Michael a truth question and one dare?

Random Caller 3: Sure, which one first, truth or dare?

Michael: Do truth first.

Nani: Truth 

Random Caller 3: Okay, ummm... how long have you guys been dating?

Nani: Ummm... about two years? Right? (looks at Michael) 

Michael: Yeah about two years. 

Random Caller 3: Cool.

Nani: Okay so what about the dare?

Random Caller 3: Ummm... I dare you to... slap Michael in the face.

Michael: Oh my god, really.

Random Caller 3: Not too hard though.

Nani: Okay, I can do that. (looks at Michael)

 Michael: ...Fine.

Nani: Okay here it goes. (Nani slaps Michael)

Michael: Ouch! Okay that hurt a little bit.

Nani: Okay well there you go. 

Random Caller 3: (laughs) That was funny.

Nani: (giggles) Okay well thank you for the truth question and dare.

Random Caller 3: No problem bye.

Nani and Michael: Bye. (Nani ends the call)

Michael: Okay instead of them doing both, let's just let them pick one for us.

Nani: Okay. So it's you're next.

Michael: Okay.


Random Caller 4: Hi

Michael: Hey this is Michael and Nani

Random Caller 4: Hi

Michael: Pick one truth or dare?

Random Caller 4: Truth

Michael: Okay go ahead.

Random Caller 4: Were you two each other's first kiss?

Nani: Well, for me Michael was my first kiss...

Michael: Yeah and I had my first kiss in first grade I think.

Random Caller 4: Oh okay.

Michael: Yeah so thank you for the truth question.

Random Caller 4: Your welcome, bye, love you.

Michael: Love you too, bye (hangs up)

Nani: Okay my turn again!


Random Caller 5: ...

Nani: Hello?

Random Caller 5: Hi

Nani: Truth or dare?

Random Caller 5: Dare.

Nani: Okay, go ahead.

Random Caller 5: I dare you to sing the chorus of one of your favorite songs.

Nani: Okay, umm... do you want both of us to do it or just me?

Random Caller 5: Doesn't matter.

Michael: Okay, Nani can do this one.

Nani: Okay, ummm...How about Sirens by Cher Lloyd?

Random Caller 5: Okay go ahead.

Nani: (clears throat) Yeah I'm tired, I'm growing older. I'm getting weaker everyday, yeah. I carry the weight of you. I carry the weight of you. Lay down here. Beside me in the shallow water. Beside me where the sun is shining on us still. Lay down here. Beside me in the hallowed water. Beside me where the silver lining stays until. The sirens' calling.

Michael: That was amazing

Random Caller 5: (claps) That was awesome!

Nani: Thanks. And thanks for the dare. Have a good day.

Random Caller 5: You too, bye. (ends call)

Nani: Okay, your turn.

Michael: Okay


Random Caller 6: Hello.

Michael: Truth or dare?

Random Caller 6: Dare.

Michael: Okay what's the dare?

Random Caller 6: I dare you to kiss Nani.

Michael: Okay (turns to Nani and gives her a big kiss) Alright, thank you for the dare.

Random Caller 6: No problem, love you.

Michael: Alright, love you too.

Random Caller 6: Bye.

Michael: Bye (hangs up) Okay Nani, how'd you like your first broadcast?

Nani: It was crazy... but fun.

Michael: Okay, well that's all for today, I hope you guys liked this broadcast. Sorry that Nick wasn't here, he's busy with his new girlfriend right now sooo... Yeah, bye.

Nani: Bye guys!

Michael: Later (ends broadcast) 

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