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Ever since meeting the mayor of Derry, She had a certain feeling that yesterday's meeting wasn't going to be her only encounter and she couldn't help but smile at that. As Mirah got dressed and headed out the door, Beverly stood at the doorway, expecting her to come out. She did a mental eye roll and just looked at her, waiting for her to ask where she was headed to like an overprotective mom hounding her very grown eighteen year old child on a Saturday night. 

Finally, she spoke up. "Hey, can we talk?" She asked and she gripped her flask tightly in her palm as she took a swig causing her mouth to explode in the most orgasmic way that she hadn't felt in centuries. She tried pulling herself together as Beverly gave her a very confused very concerning look once she swallowed the richness in her cavern. "Are you ok?" 

"Uh, yeah, let's walk." Her voice sounded a lot more normal than she had felt. 'Did he taint the blood? No, he didn't taint it, he put a new kind of blood in my flask. Wait, whose he? The Mayor? The clown that I had dreamt of? No, that would be impossible, but how the hell did human blood end up in my flask.' It wasn't as fresh as drinking from the actual skin and the Devaraux's try not to do that because of the feelings that radiate from their saliva, people would consider it rape. "So, how about it?" Her sudden voice threw Mirah out of her head and snapped out of her own mess of thoughts that she got tangled in. Her questionable stare made the red head sigh, understanding that she hadn't heard her. "I said, I'm really sorry for hounding you yesterday, I want us to be cool. So, how about it?"

"Uh...yeah, I have to go do something, I'll see you later." Before she could object or ask where the young vampire was going, she headed off in the direction that immediately caught her attention. 

"Wait! You can't!" Mirah could hear her run after her and felt Bev grab her arm. "It's not safe." She snatched her arm out of Bev's grip and began to walk away from her, though she didn't let up. "Why are you so curious about him? He'll kill you if you go snooping anymore." 

"Then let me die! Fuck!" She didn't know why Beverly was so worried about her in the first place. If she knew that Mirah was a vampire making it harder for her to get killed, then it probably wouldn't bother her so bad. Mirah walked alone into the sewer and looked inside, She took a deep breath and closed her eyes for an instant to let the brown irises turn into neon purple, once her night vision was activated she climbed up on the walls to not get her boots completely wet. Her sense of smell was heightened as she could smell the mold and rat shit everywhere. 'Well isn't this pleasant?' Wishing she could smell that intoxication from the last time she was in there, she carried on until she heard a voice deep down into the depths. Mirah immediately pushed the thought of her boots getting ruined out of her mind and plopped down into the water. The mayor kicking the grey water as he strode towards the entrance, looking not really shocked to see her for some odd reason like any other normal person would. 

"Well, this was quicker than I thought, meeting you again that is." He smirked.

"What are you doing here?"

"What are YOU doing here looking like that in a sewer drain?"

"I asked you first." Her heart quickened as his eyes scanned her figure.

"I'm the mayor, its my job to check out the tunnels to see if there are any damages to the lines and such." 

Suddenly, she had a crazy thought that needed to be asked. "Did you see any crazy kid eating clowns in there yet?" 

He looked at her and creased his eyebrows. "Kid eating clowns?"

"Yeah, that's the rumor going on within this group of friends, saying there's a clown that haunts these very walls of the barrens. Sounds like an amazing ghost story you tell your children to make them come inside before it gets dark." 

"Are you scared of clowns?" His question shocked her more than hers did to him, the question seemed so nonchalant to him as if it was just an everyday question. 

After the shock wore off, she came up with something coy and cunning as a response. "No, in fact, I think clowns are sexy and exciting." She scooted closer to him. 

"A clown fetish I see." A small chuckle escaped his lips. 

"You know, I also heard this appealing clown can also shape shift into anything it wants and I also did my background investigating on you, or better yet, the mayor of Derry and I have found pretty interesting things." She began to walk in circles around him almost like she was putting together pieces of something.

"Oh yeah? Like what?" His coy smile never faltered.

"There isn't one. I can see why you would identify yourself as Mayor since you run this town by getting a way with murder or at least the disappearing kids, hence why no one bats an eye when a child goes missing and why its only that group of friends who believe in a clown before anyone else and the fact that somehow my flask magically filled up on its own with blood that I am forbidden to drink and I'm sorry to say this, but if you were actually human, you wouldn't have filled it up. You, as a human, would have freaked out and would have called some kind of mental institution after being oh so curious of its contents. I have to give you props though, making me believe meeting you was a dream, so you could grab my flask without being detected was astounding." She stopped walking in circles around him and faced him completely, standing in front of him with the same smirk on her face. 

He never flinched and he stayed silent until he very slowly began to lean down towards her and the closer he got the more his true self began to appear, causing the skin of the mayor's face melt and plop into the water. When he was centimeters to her face his smile widened, causing her to smile back. "It's nice to actually meet you in the flesh." She said without a hint of terror in her voice. 

"You're a clever girl indeed, my dear, very cle-v-er." He long emphasized clever as his fluff exploded out of his neck. 

"You said you knew me, how well do you know me? Or I should ask the extent." 

"I know you're a lot like me...I know you feast on the blood on humans like I feast on the fear and flesh of children." 

"Is that all?" Mirah began to get tears welled up in her eyes thinking about sharing her whole story to a killer clown, nonetheless to anyone for that matter. 

He stayed quiet. 

"I came here because my family and I are being hunted by human scientist who want nothing more than to gain everlasting life and beauty. I was separated from my one true best friend and sister, Vinah who is now in Tulsa Oklahoma and I'm here trying to live a normal boring human life drinking cow's blood as my diet." She leaned against the wall in a sigh and looked down at her flask. 

He approached her silently. "I can change that for you." He sang. "I can make sure you're getting the proper nutrients your body needs, Mirah Devaraux." 

She looked up at him with contemplation. "We mustn't drink human blood, it's against our sworn oath." 

Pennywise grabbed her flask again and studied the silver metal that glinted in the opening's sunlight. "Hmm, almost empty and I bet you haven't thought about your 'family oath' while taking this in, have you?" She yanked the flask back and hid her red blushing face away from him. "You should never be ashamed of who you are or what you need to survive. I feed off children and because of my abilities, I can get away with it. Kind of like using your ability to steal a mansion and control the maid to your every will." She looked up at him, knowing that he was right. 

She was no different than he was. 

"But you're not a vampire are you?" She asked him.

"Oh...er...no. I come from...somewhere else...you see." 

"Another dimension or from a different galaxy?" He nodded, she smiled. "How are we so different, but so much alike at the same time."

He scooted closer towards her ear and whispered the very thing that tied them both together so perfectly that it made the hairs on the back of her neck stand up. "Because we are both nonexistent in this world of mere mortals and humans are terrified of what is outside their brain compacity." 

Mirah just studied him for only a moment when another question, more obvious and easiest than the last, hit her. "What's your name?"

"You may call me Pennywise, my dear, just Pennywise." 

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