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Ever since Beverly told her about the towns huge secret, Mirah couldn't get it out of her mind. Wondering if he was real and what he was about but at the same time, she didn't want to get into anymore trouble that she was already in. Craving that blood in those sewers were driving her mad and she didn't know if those feelings were ever to come back. She sat in class and looked out the window thinking about the other day. 

I really want to go back...why? Her mind raced as the teacher kept up with his lecture. 

"Miss Devaraux, what's the answer to the question I just asked?" He asked in a dick and snobbish tone.

"1863, Gettysburg war was a Civil American War between the Confederate and Union forces. Confederate General Robert E. Lee led 60,000 soldiers into Union territory to attack a mere 3,000 Union soldiers before backup came to finish the Confederate soldiers off. Did I miss anything to your question, Mr. Steinford?" 

At this, he stumbled with his jaw dropped. "We haven't even discussed about the details of the war yet...I just asked the year of the Gettysburg war." 

"Well, then, you're welcome. Glad I could be of assistance." She sarcastically smiles and looks back at the barrens from her window. Beverly studying her with concern and curiosity.

"You always like doing research outside of class?" Beverly asked as her and Bill watched Mirah gather her things from her locker.

Mirah looked at them and smiled nicely at them. "Sure, yeah, I like to study outside of class. Why are guys making a big deal out of it?" 

"Why were you staring out at the barrens?" Beverly quickly blurted out the question without thinking. "You're not planning on going back there, are you?" 

"Look, I really do appreciate the concern you have over me, but really there isn't any need of it. I'm just a little curios about it that's all."

"You shouldn't be!" Bill yelled out, making a few students stop to stare before he began to talk softer. "That thing that lives in those sewers will kill you just like all the others. You need to stay far away from there as possible." 

"I'm not scared of anything. Nothing down there will want anything to do with me because he would have nothing to gain if what Beverly told me is true. So, I'm going to use the barrens as my thinking place and I will be right back in school the next day, healthy as a lamb."

"It will kill you." 

"If you really believe that then I'm already dead to you." She smiled and left them there to their own thoughts. She ditched the rest of the day and headed straight for the clowns basement. She tightly gripped her flask in her hand as she stumbled down the steep hill to the little canal leading inside the barrens. She hid in her usual place inside next to the enterance to take a swig, letting the thick liquid to ease down her throat. Mirah realized it was almost gone, which meant she had to slaughter another cow or two. How much longer can I stand this junk before I rip my own tongue out.

She looked inside the dark tunnels, her eyes glowing into the dark the deeper she got inside. The dark comforting her more than causing fear as she followed the sudden sounds coming from the other end of one of the narrow passageways. Because of what she was, her senses were trempendous and she hightened them the farther she got. Suddenly, the sounds stopped and everything went silent. 

This made Mirah curious as she froze and looked around for some kind of explanation. 

"So, you found my little abode did you? Clever girl you are." A chuckling sneer came from within though she could  not see who spoke to her. "You must be, Mirah Devaraux, the new girl on the block." 

"How do you know my name?!" She called out with a stern voice.

The voice let out another little deep chuckle. "Oh-oh, I know a lot more than that. I know that little flask you carry around with you is a beverage you cant live without. You've been coming down here to hide from the others so they wont know who you really are." The voice said as it got deeper making it sound a little creepy. 

"Are you that clown Beverly was warning me about 'cause I have to tell you, you're barking up the wrong tree if you really think you could make me your next dinner plan." Mirah chuckled. At that moment, the clown dropped in front of her as he slowly stood straight while her eyes followed his movement, never moving a muscle of fear.

"You got me all wrong, Mirah. Mi smo isti, ti in jaz." He bowed and her eyes went wide before she began to laugh softly. 

"I don't see how we are the same." She glared at him in question. He snatched the flask from her and before she had time to respond, he poured what was left of the blood. "No!" Mirah dropped to her knees. "That was my last supply until nightfall." She mumbled in sadness. 

"Well, my dear, it doesn't have to be." The smile on his face gets wider as she looks up at him. "Let me help you." His growled dangerously.

"Why do you want to help me?" 

"Like I said, we are one of the same." He giggled and lifted her off the floor by her arm and it was at that moment she awoke from her dream realizing she was still in class without the teacher ever stopping his lecture in the history if Gettysburg. She frantically looked for her flask remembering the clown dropping it in the water, but to no avail she had lost her only source of vitamins. 

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