Can You Keep A Secret?

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     I woke up feeling great the next morning. But still confused. We kissed, and admitted we had something, but we can't be together, so what do we do.

     I got a call, so I picked it up. It's was Devan!

     "Hey," he said, he sounded as happy as I am.

      "Hey," I couldn't wait for he was going to say next, so I didn't say much.

     "I wanna talk to you about last night. Can you come over?"

     "Of course!"

     "See you then."

     I walked over to his front door and knocked. Right away I got answer from Devan, I guess he was already waiting there.

     "That was fast," I smirked

     "Uhh, well, I'm just a fast runner-I mean walker!" He hesitated a little.

     I giggled then said, "Where do you wanna talk?"

     "Lets go to my room."


     We went up the stairs and to his bedroom, it was nice, and had art everywhere, I secretly wished it was my room. He sat down on his bed.

     "So what exactly do we need to talk about?" I asked, plopping down right beside him.

     His expression changed, from happy to nervous. I was confused and concerned.

     "I don't know if you'll agree to this, I can't believe I'm even considering this," he started, "but I was thinking maybe, just maybe, we could, I don't know... date."

     I didn't know what to say. He was considering breaking the law just to be with me, but I didn't know if I wanted to do that. It was also kind of fast, considering we've only known each other a few days, though it feels like I've known him forever.

     "I know it's soon, but it feels like I've know you my whole life," he said, he practically read my mind, "but I really do like you."

     "Devan, I like you to. But I'm not sure, and I know you understand why," he nodded,"but... I really like you.... how about this. We go out for a little bit, and see how it goes, if it works it works, and if it doesn't, well, you know. But we can't tell anyone. Okay?"


     He kissed me and I melted. I felt like that was too soon as well, but I couldn't break away... not until Collins walked in.

     "Hey Devan, mom said that-" great.

     We broke apart fast, but not fast enough.

     "Umm, h-h-hey Collins," Devan stuttered. 

     "Devan, what's going on here?"


     "Are you sure? Because I'm pretty sure I just walked in on you two making out."

     "We weren't making out, we were just, umm, checking each others temperature?"

     I rolled my eyes. Is that seriously what he came up with?

     "Gabby, care to explain?" Collins looked angry, or maybe just disappointed.

     "Uhh, yeah. Well, can you keep a secret?"

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 16, 2018 ⏰

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