4: The Leader of the Order

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"What was that?"

My friends look at where the Ender Dragon just vanished, completely awestruck. I however lower my head in shame about to come, my eyes starring at the glowing block in my hands. What have I done?

"Soren...." I can hear the suspicion in Ivor's voice, I know it; this will end badly. "What are you holding?"

The footsteps of my friends grow louder. Light careful sounds from Ellegaard's, heavy clomping from Magnus, faint echoes from Gabriel, and angry stomping from Ivor.

"Is that... is that a machine Soren?"

"Or is it a weapon!"

"Why have you not told us about this sooner?"

"Please stop with the questions!" I raise the Command Block up. "I call it a Command Block, it holds pure power that can do anything its programmed to. And I- I used it to save our lives."

Ivor marches up to me. "Anything else you've used it for?!"

"I-I-I-" Stuttering in shame, I continue in a whisper. "I may have used it on all of you..."

"WHAT!?" They all back away from me horrified, opens hanging open yet they're left speechless. It's only going to get worse, none of this should have happened.

"Soren." Ivor's words snap with bitterness, his arms trembling in anger. "What did you do to us?"

"I-I enchanted you all to be perfect... made it so you would be flawless in what you do."

Ellegaard gasps, covering her mouth. "You mean all the inventions I've come up with.... aren't really mine?"

I shield myself from her eyes. "I'm afraid so."

"This is PREPOSTEROUS!" Ivor spits and yells, rage flowing out of him. "We came here thinking we were actually good enough to kill this dragon! Thousands of other people believed that too! And it was all lies! A secret you didn't even tell your friends!"

"Now Ivor..." Gabriel places a hand on his should. "You must calm down, all this yelling isn't going to fix anything."

Ivor scowls, but remains silent, still seething fury. Magnus turns to me, a mischievous grin on his face.

"So what you're telling me... is that I'm super powerful and can do anything?"

"WHAT?" Ivor smacks Gabriel's hand off him and storms up to Magnus. "You can't actually want to be tampered with, do you Magnus?"

Ivor's words are clearly threating, the griever even cowering back slightly. Out of everyone, Ivor has always been the wild card. He is extremely passionate and smart, but often times this leads taking actions others find wrong or extreme.

"Wha- No no no Ivor, you got it all wrong!" Magnus wildly shakes his head. "I just want to see what's... unique about us, that's all."

I gulp, worried about the outcome of my next words. "I have made it so whatever you would want to achieve, a perfect solution would pop into your head. Whether that be an outline, design, or procedure."

"Anything you say?" Ivor shoots death glares at Magnus. "Uh... so there's no limitation! Why that's just wrong of you Soren!"

"There are limitations, this only applies to your fields. You Magnus will always think of the best TNT cannons, but Ellegaard can't."

"What if I wanted to use TNT to rule the world?" Ivor sharply elbows him in the stomach and the griever doubles over in pain.

"You would see the best design to do that... but would have to come up with the plans yourself."

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