26: No

348 10 5

I smile as I gaze up at the huge trees in the jungle. Petra and Jesse probably don't care so much, they were here just last night. But man, I've never been in the jungle before. It really is incredible. Maybe I'll even see a wild ocelot.

My grin falls as I think of the blaze rods. Ocelots was still a cool name, we all liked it. Did they really have to get rid of it for that stupid name? Blaze rods are even useless until you turn them into a power.

Cold shivers run up my back as I quickly inhale. Why do I get the feeling something incredible bad is going to happen and why do I keep seeing Aiden flash through my mind.

"Hey Lukas," I shake my head and look at Jesse. "What's on your mind?"

I smile, but Petra cuts me off. "Well, he's now keeping an eye out around us. Right Lukas?"

Again, I'm about to say something before Jesse cuts me off. "Come on Petra, it's daylight. No need to keep our eyes peeled when we can just keep our ears open. Besides any-

Something rushes past my arm, and before I can even blink, digs itself into Jesse. He squawks and collapses right onto the ground, an arrow sticking out from his armpit.

I fall onto me knees and turn him on his side, Petra moving around and grabbing the shaft. Jesse mumbles, tripping over his words. It sounds like he's trying to say five things at once.

"Wait!" Ivor garbs Petra's arm. "If you do that then the head will be stuck inside him!"

Petra scowls and pushes him back. "We can't exactly pull it through! It would go right through his heart and kill him!"

I grab his arm and hold it out of the way. "Go careful Petra, don't just yank it out."

She nods and starts to slide it out, I hold Jesse still as he squirms and whimpers. But it sounds strange. He's twitching extraordinarily fast and he's talking at an incredibly high pitch and speed. His mumbles running into the next without even pause for breath.

"There, it's out. Thankfully it wasn't too far in." The arrowhead, it has definitely been messed with.  

"Petra," I snatch the arrow out of her hand. "Go and find Aiden right now. The crowds are hiding in the trees."

She looks confused for a second, until she draws her sword in fury and runs back. Scanning the trees with raged filled eyes. I know Aiden did this, no one else would know Jesse's here, no one else would try to kill him.

Kill... I shallow rapid breaths, my heart pounding. Jesse can't be killed! He killed three Wither Storms! No no no no NO! I gaze down at arrow, totally covered in blood. Jesse's blood... gushing out of him like a spring.

I shake my head and focus on Jesse again, he really will be dead if I do nothing. But what can I do? His lung was definitely punctured. Thankfully his heart wasn't, but that still doesn't give us a lot of time.

Jesse babbles out another rush of words. "Ivor, why is he reacting like that? Has he been poisoned?"

I hand him the arrow and he snatches it, sniffing it intensely. I push my hand over the hole, the blood trickling all over his armor. How long did it take us to get here? Maybe two hours at a relaxed pace?

Once Petra takes care of those vile corrupt murderers and gets back, they can start carrying Jesse back to town while I sprint back to get a horse and a lot of help. It's a little risky, we really don't have any other option.

"Definitely poisoned, I'm also picking up a potion of weakness. There seems to be another one, but I can't tell. Jesse's blood is making it difficult."

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