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Luke Hemmings : Instagram dms


Two years ago

» omg ur band rocks, ily
» I wish u were my bf

» ppl are being mean to me in school and idk what I did to make them so angry

» I feel like ur a friend that Ive known for a long time so ur good to talk to

» Another day at school ugh, I wish I could just meet u already

» I met this girl named Madeline 2day, she was so nice to me

1 year ago

» Today is my birthday! I'm finally 17, I can't wait until next yr. Mom promised to let me start modeling
» guess what, mom actually let me start modeling earlier than 18

» Im starting homeschooling soon, I hope I don't regret it

Two months ago

» Haven't written here in a while, this feels weird now

» I like your new album & style
» It's super good and I love to jam out to your music

Seen at 12:20

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