Chapter 1

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Wheels slid and squeaked on a metal bar, letting sunlight spill through the room. I groaned, rubbing my eyes and holding my head, I have such a bad hangover. I stretched out my long legs from the ball I fell asleep in and rolled over, only to roll off the couch. "Ow." I muttered, holding my head again.

"Well good morning sunshine." a voice rang through the room loud and clear, too loud.

"Sh..." I said, holding my head tighter, "why are you so perky?"

"'Cause it's one in the afternoon, babe. When did you get here?" he asked, walking to sit on the couch and pulling me up to sit with him.

"One in the morning." I groaned and he laughed.

"Why are you here?" he asked in a condescending voice.

"My mom was bitching at me. Telling me I'm 'The worst kid ever.' and 'How dare you kill our cat.'" I waved my finger like she does making him laugh.

"Wait... You have a cat?"

"No, it was a wild cat that lived outside our house, but she ran it over." he stared at me, "She was bombed." he nodded, standing and walking into the kitchen. "I just didn't want to deal with it." I rubbed my forehead.

"Well, you have to deal with it, 'cause I'm leaving for the tour tomorrow." he handed me a cup of coffee with two milks and three sugars, so I smiled at him. "Unless you feel like coming." he shrugged.

"Who's coming?"

"Well, us," 'Us' being All Time Low, "A Rocket To The Moon, Allstar Weekend, Hollywood Ending and Before You Exit."

"Sounds cool, can I really come?"

"Promise to stop drinking?"

"I won't have to drink if my moms not there." I laughed.

"Then yes, you can really come." he pushed my head and started walking to his room.

"Alex..." I called and he turned around in his doorway, "thank you."

"No problem Nessa." he tapped the frame and disappeared. "V!"

"What!?" I asked, holding my head.

"Go home, start getting packed, then you can come back and sleep here 'cause we're leaving early tomorrow morning."

"Okay, see ya!" I grabbed my bag and walked out the door.


"Mom, I'm going." I continued to throw clothes in one of my bags. I'm not really paying attention to what I through in there, I'm actually throwing everything, because I just want to leave.

"No, you're not. I'm your mother, and until you're eighteen I will be making your decisions." she stood in the middle of my room, staring at a mirror across the room.

"You really don't get it do you? I can't stand being here right now, I don't know what's wrong with you or what you think is wrong with me, but maybe some separation will do us some good." I turned to her, upset.

"Why aren't you mad? You always get mad when I say 'no.'" she tilted her head to the side.

"Mom, I'm done fighting with you. I don't know why, but you get some thrill - some high - off of it that I just don't understand. So, I'm done. If you think you're winning I hope you're having fun at least." I started to slowly pull clothes out of the first suitcase.

"God..." I heard her mutter. "Maybe, some separation isn't a bad idea." she said, picking up a shirt and folding it. "But I expect a call every night."

"'Kay." I muttered and she left. I rubbed my hands against my forehead and stuffed the clothes I took out, back in. "Bye." I gave her a hug and a kiss before completely walking out the door. It was hard to say goodbye to her, she is my mother for Pete's sake, but this will be good, maybe she'll sober up and I won't have to dread going back after this tour.


"Alex! I'm back!" I called when I walked through the door. I dropped my things on the wall next to the door so I could just pick them up and leave in the morning. "Alex!?"

"Yeah!" he called and I turned into the kitchen where he was standing near the stove.

"Do you know how to cook?" I rose an eyebrow skeptically and he bobbed his head up and down, shrugging his shoulders. "Okay, what are you cooking?" I asked, sitting down and finally realizing how hungry I am.

"Mac n' Cheese." he smiled and stirred the pasta.

"How do you survive?" I laughed as he dumped the boiling hot water in a strainer. He shrugged again with a laugh escaping his lips.

"Butter. Milk. Cheese!" he exclaimed and I nearly fell on the floor laughing, he's such a little kid, you would never guess he's almost eight years older than me.


Heyy, So Before You Exit Fans Get Ready For The Next Chapter, That's When They Will Show Up!

Can I get some comments maybe???  It would help a lot!  *Mwahh* Love You Guys<3

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