Chapter 1

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Bethany's P.O.V.


The worst day of them all. I dread even more getting out of bed.

Having to deal with Perrie and her stupid little clique. I threw on a random shirt and jeans adding the jacket I wear everyday to hide my scars. I've learned to give up on my appearance when high school started because all it is, is just people bullying me. So I stopped trying to impress people a while back.

Here I am...a sophomore now. Still dreading everyday of school.

I groaned when the cold November air hit me when I walked out to my car, hugging myself for warmth.

The second I walked into the school, I rushed to my locker trying to avoid the rich bitches.

"well, look here girls. It's Bethany! aww is it a little cold out there...your nose and cheeks surely give it away!" Perrie says sarcasticly.

"P-Perrie I just want to get to class...please" I stutter. Why must I always stutter around everyone?

"Oh really? It's not like your perfect A's will be interrupted by one day...of not showing up for class" Her grin widens at the same time my eyes do

"I'm kidding you Wilton!" she turns and laughs with her group.

I don't answer and she fakely smiles at me, flipping her beautiful almost white hair and walking away.I swallow heavily and the bell rings.

I'm going to be late!!!

I run down the hallway super fast, colliding with Owen. The schools jock.

"Watch where you're going Wilton!" he yells and pushes past me. I fight my tears and enter the classroom just as the bell rings.

"Laaaate!" some person yells from the front.

"She isn't late, Jace!" Mr. Saunders groans, rising from his chair.

"Today class we will be working in the lab!" a few mixes of yays and long no's come from the class, "but! we will be dissecting 3 deers!!"

My breathing stops. Dissecting? I can't handle seeing dead animals...

The class shuffles into the lab and I gently tug Mr. Saunders arm.

"Sir, I-I can't do that. Is their anything else I can do for the credit?" I ask quietly.

His eyebrows furrow in thought.

"Bethany, I'll think about it...but at least try to at least poke it and I'll give you credit" he smiles.

I slowly follow him into the lab.

.why couldn't he just let me write something?

Someone hands me a knife and I poke it, feeling the body underneath the knife, immediatly throwing it down making it clank against a metal tray and I sprint to the bathroom, Mr. Saunders asking if I'm alright and I'm gone in a flash, running down the hallway, keeping my barf down until I'm down by the toilet. I ignored the girls that are  in the bathroom groans in disgust as I gag and barf.

I weakly stand up and flush the toilet. I lean against the stall door as my breathing slows down to normal.

I exit the stall and am greeted by who I despise and fear most...Perrie.

"oh hey Bethany! Didn't hear you in here." she laughs and rolls her eyes. I stay quiet and look in the mirror, noticing I'm so much paler then usual.

"Did you even put on makeup today?" she asks a few sinks away from me, a wide smile still on her face.

"I...I didn't have time." I state and wash my hands.

I have a massive headache...worse then I've ever had and I have a feeling I'm going to regret asking Perrie this question. I groan in my mind and pull my sleeves down. I catch her as she is about to leave the bathroom,


"yes?" for a second she actually sounded like she...cared...before she rolled her eyes.

"Do you have any pain pills?" I ask shakily.

"um yeah..." she rummaged in her Chanel purse "here..." she hands over a red pill.

I say the first thing that pops into my head, "These aren't some sort of drug are they?"

"No Bethany! I'd get in huge trouble if I carried that shit. It's just a pain pill I use for my headaches and cramps and shit like that!"

With that she leaves.

I threw the pill back and instantly wondered why she had a heart instead of a damned black heart. I stayed in the bathroom for the rest of science class.

Perrie's P.O.V

I ran into that damn Bethany in the bathroom. I walked into the bathroom and heard gagging.

I fixed my makeup in the mirror and Bethany appeared out of one of the many stalls.

So I become an instant bitch,

"Oh hey Bethany! Didn't hear you in here!" laughing and rolling my eyes.

She didn't respond. Just kept her eyes towards the sink and rolling her sleeves so she didn't get them wet. But that's when I noticed something...she had scars on her wrist that I never noticed. Except they weren't little white line scars. They were deep red gash looking scars...deep as fuck.

I turned around and was going to rush out when I heard my name.


I turned around in concern. Pretending to roll my eyes, acting like I didn't give a shit "yes...."

"Do you have any pain pills?"

I was confused and dug into my purse and handed her a pain pill.

Then exiting the bathroom before I asked about the scars.

She harms herself?

Falling For Perrie EdwardsWhere stories live. Discover now