Chapter 22 Who to Trust

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Chapter 22

Who to Trust

Vanessa sat in shock as she gazed up to the man who once tried to kill them all. It took a moment for her to remember that he did not have any magic at this time. Still, she wondered how he managed to escape out of prison and Evalius in the first place. Was someone helping him?

Vanessa turned to head to get a glimpse of Kendal's reaction to Lord Argarion's sudden reappearance. She did not spot a spec of fear in her friend's eyes, only fury. This only made Vanessa even more nervous.

She then shifted her gaze to Aria, who appeared neither startled nor infuriated. Vanessa wanted to ask her if she knew any more on this, but something told her now was not the time.

"So," Mr. Evans began, "I see this class was currently studying a Revolution in France, so I guess we'll continue on with that if that's okay with you."

Vanessa then noticed several students exchange glances with one another. They seemed to be wondering what would happen if they said they were not okay with the lesson. Vanessa guessed this because she had wondered the same thing herself.

Mr. Evans seemed a lot more clueless last time than before. Vanessa began to wonder if having power made that much of a difference in someone's personality. If that was the case, then she would have to worry about Kendal.

"So," Argarion continued, "It appears that the people of this country fought to overthrow their monarch. What's interesting is usually when these battles happen, there is another ruler they plan to replace the former with, but I don't see any such thing here." He looked up from his textbook and scanned the room. "Does anyone have any comments on this... Miss Lewis?"

Kendal glared at him and huffed. "The people there were not happy with their monarchy so they decided to get rid of it and replace it with something better. That's what happens when the leader of a country is terrible."

"I see," he muttered, his eyes retuning to the pages.

Kendal then rolled her eyes and stood up, stomping over towards the door.

"Miss Lewis," Mr. Evans said, looking over to her, startled. "You can't leave my classroom in the middle of a lecture." He glanced at Aria and asked, "That's not allowed, right?"

Aria shook her head, and smacked her hand against her forehead. Vanessa really wanted to know just what was going on right now.

Mr. Evans then casually strolled by Aria's desk and whispered through the corner of his mouth, "What sort of punishment do I give for those to disobey here?"

"Detention," Aria muttered, with her hand still pressed against her head.

"Right, right..." Mr. Evans nodded and rushed to the door, shouting out, "Miss Lewis, for your actions, you shall receive a detention!"

Just moments later, the bell rang. No one hesitated to pack up their bags and rush out. Within the next two minutes, Aria and Vanessa were the only ones remaining in the class. Aria still had her hand on her head, appearing quite frustrated.

Argarion stepped towards her and asked, "So what exactly was a detention again?"

Aria huffed and answered, "It means she's supposed to come to your room after school and sit. It's a form of punishment here."

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