Chapter 103

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It's hell long chapter but full of surprises but the biggest surprise is in the end parts...
Enjoy 😉

Rey's POV.

I can't decide whether or not to go inside as I stare at my father's massive house. Anjali has decorated the outside with too many lights, mini Christmas tree's and what appear to be dancing reindeer. The blow up Santa seems to be mocking me as I climb out of my car. Pieces of the ripped up airline tickets blow around the seat before I close the door. I will have to call and make sure I can get a credit for the unused tickets otherwise, I just destroyed two grand worth of damn plane tickets. I probably should have just went alone and escape this dreadful state for a while but for some reason, going home to London doesn't sound as appealing with Kriya not coming along.

I am grateful that my mum was okay with coming here instead and she seems excited to come to America.

As I ring the doorbell I try to come up with an excuse as to why the hell I am here but before I can come up with one, Swayum opens the front door.

"Hey." I say as Swayum opens the door for me to come inside.

"Hey?" He questions.

I dig my hands into my pockets, unsure what to say or do.

"Kriya isn't here." He tells me and walks towards the living room.

"Yea.. I know. She is in Hotel." I say, following a few feet behind him.

"So.." I know he wants to know why the hell I am here.

"I.. uhm.. well I came to talk to you.. or my dad. Or your mum." I ramble on.

"Talk? About what?" He takes the bookmark from his book and begins to read. I want to snatch the book from his hands and toss it into the fire but that won't get me anywhere.

"Kriya." I say quietly. My fingers fiddle with my lip ring as I wait for him to burst into laughter.

He looks at me and closes his book.

"Let me get this straight.. Kriya doesn't want anything to do with you so you're here to talk to me? Or your father or even my mother?" He says.

"Yea.. I guess that is what I am doing." He is irritating me.

"Okay.. and what exactly do you think I can do for you? I don't think she should ever speak to you again and I honestly can't believe you are still trying, I figured you would have moved on by now."

"It's only been 3 week." I snap.

"Yea, 3 weeks of her moving out of that apartment and hiding from you in a hotel room."

"She wasn't hiding from me." I say through my teeth.

"Well she sure wasn't running to you. I'm not going to tell you anything more you have already fooled me for get to know about her and if it wasn't for her I would have never agreed to take your order to give a check on her everytime" He scoffs.

"Stop being a dick. I know I fucked up but I love her Swayum. And I know she loves me, she is just hurt right now."

He takes a deep breath and rubs his chin with his fingers.

"I don't know Rey, what you did is pretty unforgivable. You humiliated her and she trusted you."

"I know.. I know. Fuck, don't you think I know that?"

"Well seeing as you showed up here to ask for help I'd say you get how messed up this whole situation is." He sighs.

"So what do you think I should do? Not as her friend, but as my.. you know, my father's stepson?"

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