Part 8: Marinette's revenge

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The next morning when Marinette arrived at school, Alya took notice, walked right next to her and said "It's about time you didn't show up late girl!" Making Marinette giggle.

"So how'd it go with Adrien last night?" Alya asked which made Marinette's smile disappear.

While her night started off disastrous but then got better after visiting Adrien as Ladybug, she couldn't tell Alya that, so she kinda acted like the Ladybug visit didn't happen.

"I'd rather not talk about it, Alya." Marinette said looking down, which made Alya's smile disappear as well.

"Something happened, didn't it? What did he do to you, Marinette?! Tell me!" Alya insisted while grabbing Marinette's shoulders.

"Nothing Alya, it was just something I did. Can we please let this go?" Marinette said removing Alya's hands from her shoulders before Adrien's limo showed up.

Nino was near the door waiting for Adrien to get out before shouting "Hey! What's up man?!" as they gave each other the usual hand gestures every time they meet.

"So how was your date last night?" Nino asked, which Adrien replied "Eh, not so good. My father thinks Marinette is a bad influence for me."

"Dude! Is there ever a time where your dad doesn't say that?" Nino pointed out.

"I know, but you know how my dad is, Nino." Adrien said. "True, let's just get to class, man." Nino said before they all walked inside after the bell just rang.

Hours later, they had art class and the best way to describe the room they were in was "colorful and artsy" like most art classes at schools do.

As for the students themselves, they were having fun doing creative things like drawing or painting or even decorating the room for the most part, although Marinette and Adrien still couldn't take their minds off the night before.

Alya noticed her friend was still looking a bit down, so she grabbed Marinette's shoulder and said "Hey. You sure you're OK, Marinette?"

"I'm fine, it's just that... I've been looking forward to this moment for a long time and I blew it." Marinette sighed in total distress.

"It was just one date, Marinette, Adrien doesn't seem to mind that much and I'm sure you'll get used to it eventually." Alya said to comfort her friend.

Then Marinette smiled a little, turned her head towards Alya and said "Thanks, Alya." Marinette never liked her clumsiness, but she still felt grateful to have a friend like Alya nowadays.

Then suddenly, Chloe called up and said out loud, "Hey everyone! I think you're going to like this!" while waving her phone, grabbing everyone's attention, and then she sent them all the video she and Sabrina recorded the night before on their phones.

Everyone, including Marinette and Alya looked at the video where Marinette "tripped" on the sidewalk and then got splashed on by a big puddle the night before.

Knowing Chloe and Seeing how she was the one who sent the video, they all assumed that Chloe herself recorded this and did it on purpose.

Chloe did it as an attempt to humiliate Marinette, but everyone already saw Marinette as a wonderful and caring person regardless of her clumsiness, so they all thought to themselves 'Why the heck would she do something like this to a sweet and innocent girl?' Especially Adrien.

Marinette's blood started to boil once she saw the video, as she remembered that moment a lot, and she couldn't believe Chloe would have the nerve to actually sneak out at night and humiliate her like that. And with that, she decided to give her mortal enemy a piece of her mind.

"IT WAS YOU!" Marinette shouted at Chloe, who had no regrets for her actions. "So what if it was me? That's what happens when you try to steal my Adrikins." She said smuggishly.

"Oh! So that's what this is about?!" Marinette scolded. "Well, let me tell you something! You may only see Adrien as a super hot model, but he's way more than that!" she exclaimed while pointing her finger at Chloe, and everyone else was taking notice at one of the nicest girls in school taking a stand against the most hated one in school.

"And you're right! I did have a huge crush on him once, but now I see what he truly is! He just wants a normal life with normal friends without having to deal with a bunch of crazy fans for once! But he can't because of his father! So can't you just give him a break?! He's only 14 for crying out loud!" Marinette continued.

Adrien listened to everything Marinette was saying, and he actually wanted to cry because he felt like he finally found someone who understood his problems.

"You think you can have or do whatever you want because your father is the mayor of Paris?! Well, wait till your father isn't mayor anymore and you'll see what will probably happen afterwar-" Marinette continued to snap at Chloe before Adrien touched her by the shoulder, making her completely speechless as he made her turn around and look at him, then he gave her a big hug.

"Thank you!" Adrien said while hugging her tightly with his eyes closed.

Marinette just didn't know what to say, but she decided to just go with it and hugged back.

"Well... Let's just see what my dad thinks about this when I tell him you violated me!" Chloe scoffed while taking out her phone about to call her father.

"NO!" Marinette shouted as she immediately took action and grabbed her phone which lead to a tug of war. "Let go of my phone!" Chloe exclaimed while trying to hold on to it, which Marinette responded "No! I'm not letting you get away with this!"

Both Sabrina and some of the other students stepped in to help their friends in need. But then Marinette noticed a ladder with a bucket of paint behind Chloe and knew just what to do.

"LET GO!" Chloe shouted as Marinette thought to herself 'As you wish.' And she suddenly lets go of the phone, causing Chloe to lose her balance and bump right into the ladder, causing the paint bucket to fall and spill all over her.

Everyone was shocked by what just happened while Marinette had her arms crossed, feeling good about giving Chloe a taste of her own medicine for a minute.

"My hair! My jacket!" Chloe gasped and exclaimed in complete shock after looking at her completely messy self thinking 'It'll take me forever to wash all of this off!'. And some of the students couldn't help but let out a laugh or two.

Then Chloe saw Marinette's smug little face and her emotions immediately changed from shock to anger.

"This isn't over yet Dupain-Cheng!" Chloe scolded at Marinette before storming out of the class.

Most of Marinettes classmates, especially Adrien and Alya were still speechless as they couldn't believe their friend, who they always saw as sweet and innocent, would do something like this.

And It didn't take long for Marinette to realize that she might have went a little too far. She then turned her head towards everyone behind her and said "I'm sorry everyone..." before leaving the classroom.

"Marinette, wait!" Alya said, but Marinette didn't hear her.

She ran in the hall feeling the need to be alone for a while as Tikki came out of her bag to try to calm her down.

"Marinette, where are you going?!" Tikki asked in a concerned manner. "Out!" Marinette said angrily.

"Stop Marinette! I'm sure everything's gonna be alri-" Tikki said before Marinette interupted her "No! It's not! First I blabbed about Adrien's scarf, then that conniving little witch had to trip me and record it! I'm sick of it! Tikki Spots on!" She yelled before transforming into Ladybug and swinging her way out of the school.

She jumped from rooftop to rooftop and swung from building to building, hoping it would help relieve her stress. She kept on going until she finally came across Master Fu's house.

She thought 'Maybe Master Fu could help me.' Until she saw that the door was broken, so she came rushing in to see if Master Fu was hurt.

"Master Fu?! Master Fu?!" Ladybug shouted hoping for a response as he was not in the tea room, then she went to the kitchen and saw that Master Fu was still in fine shape.

"Ladybug, You came just at the perfect time." Master Fu said in a more serious manner than usual while he was cooking something up. "I'm afraid I have some really bad news." He continued.

"What happened here?" Ladybug asked which Master Fu replied in a calm but still serious tone "I should have told you this long ago, but there's a technique where, with the right ingredients, you can make potions that can make your kwami more powerful than ever for a short amount of time, and unfortunately Hawkmoth broke in here last night and stole most of them. We're lucky he didn't find the other Miraculouses, but it's only a matter of time before he tries to steal those too."

This scared Ladybug a little, so she asked Master Fu "How bad is it?"

"Luckily I still have enough ingredients to whip up another potion to give to you, but only one." Master Fu said. "I suggest you be very careful from now on, Ladybug. Because with those potions, Hawkmoth now has more power than ever before. And who knows what he'll do with them."

Ladybug didn't know exactly how to let all the bad news sink in, but she still tried her best not to panic. "Don't worry, Master Fu, I'm sure Cat Noir and I will be able to defeat Hawkmoth soon and save Paris!" Ladybug said as she was determined not to let a major setback screw them over. 'I just hope Hawkmoth isn't planning another attack already' Ladybug and Master Fu both thought.

And after that deep conversation, Ladybug took off as she said "Bug out!" Leaving Master Fu in his home with an extremely worried face, feeling he only has himself to blame for not doing something sooner.


The next day, Jean Astruc was just sitting at his home drawing a unique looking slime like character as well as tons of other creative designs like monstrous machines and a very scary looking half human, half robot kind of guy that looked a lot like Charles Manson.

And he was drawing all this stuff for a movie he's been planning to make for a few years now, hoping that he'll have the money to do so in the near future.

Overall, Jean was having a pretty good day until he started hearing about something that scared him for a while now on the news, as reporter, Nadja Chamack started talking.

"This is just in, the European Union has confirmed that they are close to reaching an agreement to bring the controversial article 11 and article 13 into law, which will introduce more strict copyright laws and upload filters. The three leaders had this to say." Nadja stated before they changed the focus on the three leaders.

"We believe the internet has gotten way out of control this past decade, so we are doing whatever we can to make it a much better and safer place for years to come." Leader #1 stated. "And I like to give a major thanks to Mayor Bourgeois from the great city of Paris for giving us the votes we needed to make this possible." Leader #1 continued before shaking Mayor Bourgeois' hand while the crowd (which consists of EU members) cheered.

"YOU GOTTA BE KIDDING ME!" Jean shouted at the TV as he knew that this wasn't an attempt to make the internet a better place, but rather a really stupid way to rob consumers who just wanna be creative and or share their own opinions to the entire world.

Then he proceeded to start throwing things all around the room, like chairs, picture frames, or any other household object he could find while thinking to himself 'THOSE GREEDY MOTHERF*****S!'

When he finally stopped, he dropped down to his knees and started shedding tears as he picked up his drawing portfolio that was on the floor and took a good look at all the drawings he did. "What am I supposed to do now?..." He cried.

Just then, the window inside Hawkmoth's lair opened, revealing a more powered up Hawkmoth with a more detailed suit.

"Yes!... It is time to try out these new powers!...A young artist with a short temper is just what I need for my new akuma!" Hawkmoth laughed as he opens his hand, allowing an akuma to land on it, only this time, it was a bigger akuma with red lines instead of purple and a very ugly looking bug face.

"Fly away my little akuma and EVILIZE THIS POOR SOUL!" Hawkmoth shouted proudly before releasing a very chilling maniacal laugh.

The ugly looking akuma then flies out the window, enters Jean's house and curses the portfolio he was carrying, making Jean look up with a red-ish face and the Hawkmoth symbol appearing in his eyes.

JackHammer. I am hawkmoth! These decisions may have been unfair to you, but now is the time for you to pay them back! All you have to do in return is bring me Ladybug and Cat Noir's Miraculouses! So... Do we have a deal?" Hawkmoth said to his new villain which he replied with a more menacing voice "Yes Hawkmoth! They will pay for their arrogance!"

And with that, Jean transforms into a metal creature that kinda looks like Megatron from transformers, but with some of the abilites he came up with for his planned movie.

"I'm coming for you, Paris!" JackHammer smiled sinisterly as he smashes through the wall of his own home ready to do some big damage.

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