Part 11: The Return of Ladybug

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Once Adrien, Alya and Nino shouted "Plagg, claws out!", "Trixx, let's pounce!" And "Wayzz, shell on!" They all transformed into their respective superhero counterparts, Cat Noir, Rena Rouge and Carapace and were ready to kick some butt.

They all left Master Fu's place and jumped from rooftop to rooftop searching for the monster. At the same time they took a good look at their city, which looked even more damaged than before, to the point where it looked like the aftermath of a Godzilla movie or something.

"Oh my god..." Rena Rouge said as she stopped and saw something even worse than anything they faced before... bodies that weren't moving.

She, Cat Noir and Carapace were all looking at the scene on total disbelief.

"...We gotta stop JackHammer before he makes things worse." Cat Noir said.

"Any idea where he is now?" Carapace asked before they heard another boom coming from the Hotel De Ville.

"I do now! Let's go!" Cat Noir shouted before all 3 of them resumed running and jumping on rooftops on their way to the Hotel De Ville.

In reality, JackHammer WAS there about to kill the mayor as he smashed his way into the mayor's office, fighting off the guards until he finally reached the office.

"Mayor Bourgeois!" JackHammer shouted angrily, scaring both him and his daughter, Chloe.

"It's time to renegotiate!" JackHammer said while walking towards the mayor.

"What are you talking about?!" Mayor Bourgeois exclaimed before JackHammer grabbed him and pulled him closer to his face.

"You betrayed Paris, Mayor Bourgeois! You betrayed us by signing that stupid bill! And now you're gonna pay!" JackHammer said as he was about to punch him.

But then a green shield came in and smacked him right in the back of his head, dropping the mayor in the process.

He turned around and saw Cat Noir, Rena Rouge and Carapace as he caught his shield.

"Well well, look what the cat dragged in! And It looks like you brought a couple of more friends with you this time, but where's your precious little ladybug?" JackHammer said rhetorically, assuming she died from the last attack.

"It doesn't matter right now! We're here to take you down!" Cat Noir threatened him.

"Oooh, It's 3 kids instead of 2 now! I'm so scared! Ha! To me that just means more bones to break!" JackHammer said while cracking his knuckles.

"We'll see about that!" Rena Rouge replied before all 3 of them started attacking.

They were all going in with Cat Noir swinging his staff, Rena Rouge swinging her flute and Carapace swinging and throwing his shield at JackHammer, while JackHammer dodged every single time and fought back.

Then Cat Noir and Carapace were slammed into a wall and Cat Noir said to his best friend, "We gotta lure him away from this room, we'll fight him outside!" which Carapace replied "Got it!"

They did exactly as Cat Noir said and got JackHammer's attention by throwing his staff at him and went out the hallways with JackHammer following them,

Then they started taking the fight outside where the residents of Paris cheered as they saw that Cat Noir was ok, and that Rena Rouge and Carapace joined in on the fight.

But at the same time, they all asked the same question, "Where is Ladybug?"


A couple of hours later, Marinette finally opened her eyes only to see she wasn't in her room, she was in Master Fu's place for some reason. Not only that, but she even noticed her pigtails were gone.

'What happened? How did I get here?' Marinette thought.

The last thing she remembered was fighting an akuma with Cat Noir, and that's what was where she realized something.

She lifted up her shirt and gasped as she saw the black scars on her torso, knowing it came from Cat Noir's cataclysm.

But she also wondered 'How did I survive it though?'.

That was where Tikki and her parents, who were sitting in the corner behind her decided to join in. "Wakey wakey, Marinette!" Tikki said.

Then Marinette turned around and freaked out a little once she saw her parents were there right next to her kwami. "MOM?! DAD?! YOU'RE NOT SUPPOSED TO BE HERE!" she gasped before her parents rushed over to calm her down.

"Whoa! Whoa! Easy there, sweetie! You don't wanna move around too much after what just happened!" Tom warned his daughter.

"Wha...wha?..." Marinette struggled to say as she was still breathing heavily.

"You were knocked out, your friends brought you here after the accident and Master Fu healed you, you've been asleep for a couple of hours now." Tikki explained.

"But what about...?" Marinette was about to say before Tikki interrupted and chuckled "Oh yeah... the thing is your parents kinda followed us here and we had to tell them..."

"Wait... does everyone know I'm Ladybug now?" Marinette asked concerned.

"No, only Alya, Nino, Cat Noir and your parents know, aaaaand unfortunately Hawkmoth knows as well..." Tikki replied choosing to exclude Adrien just to keep their friendship safe.

"But don't worry sweetie, Your secret is safe with us. Sabine said comforting Marinette.

"And we'll all protect you from him." Tom said.

As Marinette was trying not to cry, she turned around and gave her parents a big hug "I love you guys..." Marinette cried as her tears became tears of joy.

Tikki also shed a year as she loved seeing a family together, but then she remembered something they still gotta do unfortunately.

"Marinette?" Tikki asked, before Marinette caught her attention.

"Hate to break up the family reunion, but there's still a big akuma out there destroying the city." Tikki explained.

"Oh my god! We gotta go!" Marinette exclaimed as she tried to get up but the pain coming from her big scar kept her from doing so.

"Whoa! Easy Marinette!" Sabine said keeping her daughter from collapsing.

"Ow!... How am I supposed to fight like this?" Marinette asked before Tikki said "Oh don't worry, we took care of that problem! Tom!"

Tom knew exactly what she was talking about as he took the vial out of his pocket and gave it to Tikki.

Marinette was a little confused at first, but it quickly changed to mind blown when Tikki drank the vial and had a completely different form.

"Super Tikki!" Tikki exclaimed.

'Whoa!' Marinette thought.

"Now Marinette, this is where you say "Super Tikki, spots on!". Tikki said before Marinette nodded as she knew what to do now.

"SUPER TIKKI, SPOTS ON!" Marinette exclaimed.

Just then, Tikki started glowing and got sucked into Marinette's earrings as always before her earrings went from black to red with black dots. Then Marinette covered her eyes to reveal her signature mask, only this time, her hair stayed down. Then she lifted her arm up to reveal her new suit which instead of just a full red suit with black polka dots, it had that plus her upper arms and upper legs were full back, meaning she wore actual gloves and boots, and she had a red and black biker-ish jacket. And last but not least, she did awesome choreography like she always does during transformations, except this time, big wings popped out of her back, thus revealing a stronger and faster incarnation, Super Ladybug!

Ladybug couldn't believe what she was seeing, she thought her new costume looked awesome, and on top of that, she didn't feel any more pain.

"Go get em Ladybug!" Tom exclaimed cheerfully. Which Ladybug nodded with confidence as she flew right out the door faster than the speed of light and up towards the sky in Paris.


Meanwhile, Cat Noir, Rena Rouge and Carapace were still fighting the reckless JackHammer. They tried so hard to keep him from hurting more innocent people, but he was too strong for them.

They were all piled up on the ground, exhausted and unable to get up, and only to make matters worse, JackHammer didn't feel a single scratch since the beginning of battle, and he had them right where he wanted.

He was about to deliver the final blow, but luckily Carapace was still able to use his power to keep him from doing so.

"SHELTER!" Carapace exclaimed before a green shield formed around he and his friends.

But it wasn't gonna last long as JackHammer was punching and kicking the shield trying to break it,

By this point, they would really need a miracle to stop this guy.

All the civilians in Paris were shocked and devastated by the scene, including Jean's girlfriend, Ange who never thought he would go this far.

She tried to go through the crowd to talk some of sense into him but the police refused to let her pass as it was too dangerous to do so, and they knew it wouldn't do any good.

"Jean..." Ange said with a tear in her eye.

JackHammer just kept hitting the shield, until he turned his hand into an actual JackHammer and smashed that shield open, stunning Carapace in the process.

There was no hope left for them as JackHammer was about to finally kill to them all.

JackHammer smiled and laughed maniacally as he took out his hand blade and aimed it at the three heroes.

"Look!" One of the civilians shouted pointing at something up in the deep red sky coming fast and everyone else looked too.

Just then JackHammer suddenly took a big blow to the chest and was launched in the air leaving a big dent on the ground once he hit it, and the one who hit him hard was none other than Ladybug.

Ladybug landed on the ground with a determined and semi-angry look like a true hero would, revealing to everyone that the heroine of Paris is back and ready to kick some butt.

Everyone, including the three other heroes were stunned as they all thought the same thing 'Ladybug?! But... she looks different!'

"Nobody messes with my friends!" Ladybug exclaimed as JackHammer got back up and lunged at her more angry than ever.

Luckily Ladybug was prepared this time as she took out one of her new weapons which seemed like a yo-yo at first until spikes came out of it and she threw it towards JackHammer, hitting him in the face and blinding him for a few seconds.

Then Ladybug took out her new double yo-yos, spun them around, tied him up with them and started swinging him around, smashing him against the ground and walls.

Ladybug never had this much adrenaline when fighting all the other akumas, she just couldn't stop. Then she smashed him against the ground.

With JackHammer knocked down cold, Ladybug had just enough time to release her lucky charm.

"LUCKY CHARM!" She exclaimed releasing her yo-yo above her revealing the tool or in this case, weapon she needed to stop JackHammer.

"A sword?" Ladybug questioned shocked by the fact she was given an actual weapon this time
Then when she used her Ladybug senses it was highlighting the middle of his chest.

Ladybug didn't know what to do at that point, she was afraid it could kill him but if she didn't try, he would destroy the rest of the city, she had to make a decision fast.

Noticing that Ladybug was distracted, JackHammer freed himself from the yo-yo and tried to attack her as he took out his blade arms once again.

But Ladybug snapped out of it and quickly used her sword to protect herself from JackHammer's blades.
"It looks like your out of ideas little bugaboo!" JackHammer commented which ticked off Ladybug

"!" Ladybug yelled as she pushed him a couple of meters away from her and tried to fight back.

Then JackHammer suddenly turned on the Rockets on his back and started flying, thinking he'll have the advantage in the air.

But what he forgot is that Ladybug can fly too now that she has wings, so she took off as well and they took the fight up in the air.

Both of them were constantly swinging their swords at each other in a fight to the death. Swinging, dodging, punching and kicking.

The whole crowd was chanting, routing for their heroine, hoping she can finally put an end to all this.

They kept swinging and swinging until Ladybug finally had the upper hand when she sliced one of JackHammer's arms off and pushed him towards the ground so hard that it was like if a small asteroid hit.

After they hit the ground, JackHammer tried to keep going but he was just no match for Ladybug by this point, and Ladybug stabbed him right in the chest in order to get the akuma out.

Once the akuma got out, Ladybug tried to take out her yo-yo and de-evilize it like she always does "No more evil doing for you little aku-" Ladybug was about to say until she noticed the akuma started growing.

It grew into a big butterfly so hideous looking that it kinda looked like the big parasite from Twilight Princess.

"WHOA! THAT'S A BIG BUG!" Carapace exclaimed.

Everyone was horrified by this nasty bug, especially Ladybug.

Then it flew towards Ladybug before she jumped out of the way, creating a huge wind, throwing everyone out of balance.

Ladybug knew she couldn't just leave it flying around the city, but she didn't know what to do at first, thinking 'how am I supposed to de-evilize it' then she realized something she never thought she had to do...kill it.

"CAT NOIR! I'M GONNA NEED YOUR HELP ON THIS ONE!" Ladybug exclaimed as she took off to stop the akuma.

"Way ahead of you!" Cat Noir said as he got up and followed her.

Ladybug was a little hesitant about letting Cat Noir help her at first after what happened earlier in the day but then she remembered what Master Fu once told her 'If we want to be stronger than Hawkmoth, we have to trust each other.' so deep down inside, she knew she needed Cat Noir's help to take down the akuma.

With the akuma flying above the streets of Paris, launching cars and other debris into the air, Ladybug already had a plan.

She took out her yo-yos again, threw em towards the akuma and managed to catch it, "GOT IT!" Ladybug shouted.

Unfortunately the akuma was stronger than all the other ones they had to face as Ladybug ended up getting pulled by the akuma.

She landed on the ground and tried to stop it with her feet, but even that was quite hard since the akuma was so heavy and so fast that her feet started to burn on the pavement and then the akuma turned a different direction which made Ladybug slide and run into a car. But regardless, she tried to ignore the pain and kept holding on to it, trying to slow it down.

"CAT NOIR! WHERE ARE YOU?!" Ladybug strained.

"CATACLYSM!" Cat Noir shouted as he jumped off a rooftop and caught the akuma with his cataclysm hand and the akuma shrieked before turning black and vanishing into dust, and Ladybug lost her balance due to the speed she had chasing this thing.

"Bye bye little butterfly!" Cat Noir said after he landed on the ground safely.

'Jeez, and I thought his own puns were bad.' Ladybug thought playfully acknowledging the fact that he actually stole one of her lines.

"MIRACULOUS LADYBUG!" Ladybug exclaimed as she threw her sword into the sky before it flashed and the magic spread all around Paris, turning (almost) everything back to normal, and the crowd at the Hotel De Ville cheered as all the magic beams spread all over the city.

Then Ladybug flew back to Hotel De Ville to check on Jean who just returned to his human self and Cat Noir followed.

"Uhhh... what happened?" Jean groaned before his chest started hurting from the stab he took as JackHammer.

"Ow!" he exclaimed.

"Jean!" Ange exclaimed as she ran towards to hug him.

"You're alright!" she cried which made Jean smile and feel relaxed as ever causing him to hug back.

Ladybug then landed right in front of him.

"Ladybug?" Jean said.

"Are you ok?" Ladybug asked kneeling towards him which he replied "Yeah, outside of this pain in my chest..."

"Oh...yeah, sorry about that." Ladybug chuckled as she got back up.

While she was apologizing, Jean noticed something very familiar about Ladybug, he tried picturing her without the mask and realized 'It's the girl I saved the other day!'

He got up and whispered in Ladybug's ear "I recognize you from the other day." Which made Ladybug a little scared.

Then he whispered "But don't worry, your secret is safe with me." And give her a friendly wink, which made Ladybug relieved.

But then, Ladybug noticed Jean's portfolio of drawings and asked "You draw?"

"Y-yeah I um... going to film school cause I wanna make animated features." Jean said nervously as he picked up his portfolio.

"May I have a look?" Ladybug asked which Jean nervously replied "S-sure."

So Ladybug took a look at all of Jean's drawings and unique concepts and she was quite impressed.

"Wow! These are really good, Jean! I hope you do make it as an animator someday, and nice drawing of me by the way." Ladybug complimented as she took a pen from his portfolio, autographed the Ladybug drawing, and then gave the drawings back to him.

"Thanks... but the mayor just gutted-" Jean was about to say before Ladybug interrupted him.

"That shouldn't stop you. Artists have setbacks all the time, it's gonna be alright, and don't worry about the internet, I'm sure Paris can reinstate those rules. Bug out!" Ladybug said as she walked away, causing Jean and Ange to smile.

After Ladybug walked away, an excited Rena Rouge and Carapace came in to applaud Ladybug's heroic act.

"Oh my god, girl! How did you do all that?! That was incredible!" Rena Rouge exclaimed.

"Oh, it was nothing." Ladybug said which Carapace replied "No, that wasn't just nothing Dud-uhh Ladybug... Man, I really gotta stop that! Anyways, None of us were able to take down a big monster and a giant butterfly like you just did! Like how you launched him in the air, whoooo! then swung him around, swoosh swoosh! Then you sliced his arm and then whoaaaa BAM!"

"Yeah, you were awesome!" Rena Rouge complimented, which made Ladybug smile and reply "Y-yeah you're right, even I have no idea how I did all that to be honest."

"Ladybug..." Cat Noir said butting in. Once Ladybug saw him, she backed away a little as she still had some trust issues after he cataclysmed her earlier.

When Cat Noir noticed that, he felt so bad.

"Look, I'm sorry... I didn't mean to hurt you, what happened was an accident!... You're my friend Ladybug! You've always been my friend! ...Can you please forgive me?" he said feeling guilty as he let out his hand for her to shake, which she hesitantly did. "I forgive you..."

Then her earrings started beeping, meaning she was about to change back soon "Oh! I gotta go! Bug out!" Ladybug said as she was about to fly.

"Wait!" Cat Noir said grabbing her arm "Don't you think it's time?..." he asked which Ladybug replied "Cat Noir, I told you before..."

"But I already know who you are, we don't have to hide it anymore." Cat Noir said.

"That's the problem! You know too much about me now!" Ladybug said before flying away to hide somewhere before they changed back.

"Wait!" Cat Noir exclaimed as he followed her by jumping from rooftop to rooftop.

Ladybug found a dark alley way and went to hide there behind a dumpster.

"Spots off!" she said as she changed back to her normal self and so did Adrien once he followed her there.

"Marinette! Please come out!" Adrien persisted.

She was in complete shock once she heard him call her her actual name.

"No! I don't wanna know who you are! Just go away!" Marinette cried as she burst into tears.

Adrien looked down in complete guilt and despair. He just couldn't believe how resistant she was about their identities even after he knew who she was.

"Fine...but can I at least warn you about something?" Adrien asked which Marinette replied "Yeah."

Then Adrien explained "Since, Hawkmoth knows who you are as well, me and the others recommended that you and your parents should live somewhere else for now where can Hawkmoth can't find you and you might not be able to go out in public either until this whole thing is handled..."

"OK...thanks for the warning..." Marinette said as she continued crying.

"And one more thing...Master Fu told us that you might have to give up being Ladybug because of that scar..." Adrien warned, which left Marinette completely speechless and then cried even more.

She then looked at Tikki, who was next to her, listening to the whole conversation, and then Tikki flew close to Marinette and hugged her cheek trying to comfort her.

"Oh Tikki... I don't wanna lose you..." Marinette cried as Tikki continued to comfort her feeling completely sorry for her.


Hawkmoth finally woke up in his lair after being unconscious for a few hours after his lair got hit by a missile.

He groaned, as he got up and went to take a look at how the city was after that major misfire he took, and he was actually quite relieved that Ladybug managed to save the city again this time.

"All I wanted was to save my wife...not this..." Hawkmoth sighed thinking it just wasn't worth it anymore considering he almost got himself killed and put many lives in danger.

"Darkwings fall..." Hawkmoth said before changing back to Gabriel Agreste and Nooroo landed on his hand.

"I'm sorry Nooroo..." Gabriel told his kwami.

"Master..." Nooroo said with a concerned look.

"I renounce you" Gabriel said, taking off his miraculous and having Nooroo get sucked back into it.

Then he put it in his case, looked at the picture of his wife, then he bowed and said "Never again..."

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