Chapter 6

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I saw you the next day at the same time.

You brought the same notebook and pencil. You ordered the same drink. You wore the same smile. My heart raced the same. I saw you the day after that. You moved to the table across me—telling Micky that the lighting at the table across mine was better. You were facing me and I could feel myself, becoming conscious.

I didn’t know why. Did I even have a reason to be conscious?

I managed to keep a straight face even with the uncomfortable sight-seeing distance. When you were still seated at the far corner, I could freely watch you not fearing of being caught because it looked like I was watching the people passing by outside. Then you sat across me, I couldn’t look at you without even being noticed.

Micky smiled at me knowingly after serving you your infamous caramel macchiato. Without realizing it, I was staring right at you as you took a sip from your drink. When you looked up and your eyes had met mine, I froze. You smiled. My heart fluttered and my knees trembled. I was too nervous that I didn’t smile back. You must have been offended as I averted my eyes to the same book I was reading the first time you came in. I had finished the book but I didn’t know why I kept rereading that one line.

“Loneliness is a gift of grief. Happiness is a gift of love. Companionship is as sweet as sorrow. Take the risk for what it’s worth. No man is an island.”

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