Chapter 15

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You shifted your gaze to me; eyes flickered for a moment before turning into tiny slits as you laughed.

I mentally banged my head against the wall beside me.

I haven’t really realized how those thoughts came into words.

“I’m sorry,” I drawled before slapping my mouth shut.

I didn’t say ‘all I did was stare at you and deprive everyone else of my trust,’ did I? I really wanted to rush to the door right then and never return again.

“It’s okay,” you waved dismissively. “I’ve been staring at you, too.”

My heart dropped.

My fingers stopped trembling.

My eyes and mouth gaped in unison.

I felt cold and numb.

His last words replayed in my head before I succumbed to complete catatonia.



Happy Birthday Kersha (belated haha) Sorry if I was not able to update last night. Mama's rules hahaha. Anyway this is for you. Love you bebe gurl! :* :)

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