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So I'm going on a vacation, I'll be back on the 29th. In the meanwhile I won't be able to post quite often, maybe I can sneak in one or two updates, but that's pretty much it. Hope you can understand, thank you!


It is now Saturday and Hazel has been back home since last night. Blaze picked her up at the airport, then they had a family dinner together with their parents, but she spent the night at Mason's place. 

Ever since her talk with Tom that night she has been feeling weird, but she just can't tell why and about what. She thought a lot about what he told her and she really thought trying to work things out would be the best for them. Or at least this is what she was trying to convince herself of.

She is lying on her stomach on the couch and Mason's place while he is finishing up some work at the desk. She hasn't stopped texting with all the cast members since she left, everyone keeping her updated on the smallest details and it brings her joy that they got so used to her being around. 

And of course, she is texting with Tom as well. The boy lets her know that he and June are out at a supermarket buying water guns for a prank they want to do on Mark. She wishes she could be there and she also feels her smile fading away as she thinks about the two happily spending their afternoon together. 

Hazel is convinced Tom is into June and it is obvious June likes Tom too. She thinks about all the time they have spent together and how delightful they seem when they are around each other. Once she was just like that with Mason, but now it feels like it was ages ago. They shared many jokes only the two of them understood, she always smiled when the boy was around and her pulse was jumping like crazy when she saw him looking at her and smiling. Thinking about it she realizes she doesn't feel any of these things.

She locks her phone and turns to her boyfriend with furrowed eyebrows.

"Hey, do you remember that weird bearded guy we met on our third date?" 

"Hm?" he hums back not even looking away from the screen.

"You know... 'Get yo ass up and serve the country!'" she shouts with a weird accent trying to do it like the guy back then. It was something they laughed for months after it happened, the guy started screaming at mason to become a soldier and serve the country for no reason when they were out for dinner, and they both found it so funny.

"Um, yeah I remember," he nods cracking a short smile but not really listening to what Hazel is saying.

"Mason, why don't we really do small things together?"

"Because you are away?!" he asks scoffing and he finally turns away from the computer.

"But we haven't done anything before I went away," she points out. 

"Why are you asking these stuff suddenly?"

"I just... I don't know. Things are weird, don't you think?"

"Everything is fine."

Hearing his words something comes up in her mind. That fine is not the best. Fine is just okay and if something is just fine always that's not a good thing. Things used to be amazing, but that's definitely not a word she would use to her relationship right now. And this is what makes her realize what Tom was trying to tell her that night.

She thought she wouldn't be able to imagine her life without Mason in it, but lately it has been lacking his presence more and more and she has been doing pretty well under these conditions as well. 

"Mason, I think we should break up," she says slowly and watches as the boy tenses immediately.

"What? What are you talking about?"

"This... is not working."

"Because you are never here! If you were here none of this would be happening."

"We've been fighting for quite a long time, haven't you realized? Me being away just mad ethings happen faster."

"Did someone from the cast told you to break up with me? Do you tell everyone about our issues?" His voice is threatening, he is ready to do or say anything to keep Hazel by his side.

"I don't tell everyone about it."

"It was Tom, wasn't it? He told you this bullshit, right?"

"Tom didn't tell me what to do, we just talked about everything and he told me his thoughts. But I have my own thoughts too so he has nothing to do with this."

"Hazel this is ridiculous. I know you don't really want to do this."

But she does. With each passing moment her decision becomes more and more rational. She stands up and takes a step towards him.

"I'm sorry. I... can't do this. Maybe we can talk when things are not this complicated, but right now I think we should break up."

"Hazel please don't do this. I'm sorry, please let's talk about this."

"We talked enough," she says with a weak smile on her lips. "Take care, Mason."

She turns around and heads to the door, but he jumps to his feet and grabbing her by her arm he pulls her back.

"Don't leave like this. This can't be the end," he begs, but there is nothing that would change her mind.

"This is not the end. I'm sure we'll meet sometime, but not for a while. Bye."

She slides out of his grab and walks out of the apartment before he could stop her again. 

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