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"Hello everyone! I'm Hazel and today I'm here with some legends!" Hazel starts with her intro speech and everyone around the couch starts clapping as she laughs at them. "So as you already know we are doing a q&a where the cast members are asking questions from me. We have been working together for about a month now, but they still have some questions, so let's get down to business."

"Do we have like, rules?" Sebastian asks from the end of the couch.

"Do you want rules?"

"I don't know. It's your channel, tell us what to do!" he chuckles.

"Okay. Um, we will go in rounds and everyone has one question per round."

"What kind of questions are allowed?" Robert asks.

"All kinds," she answers and all the guys start shouting immediately, so she corrects herself. "PG rated! I have young viewers too."

"Oh shit," Pratt curses under his breath. "Wait, will you beep this out too?"

"Yes I will, please don't curse too much so I won't have to beep every second word out. Okay, who wants to start?" she asks looking around. "Liz? As the only girl in the squad?"

"Okay," she smiles excitedly. "So, who was your favorite before and who is your favorite now that we are into filming?"

"I'm a huge Thor fan." She starts and Chris Hemsworth immediately throws a fist to the air. "And I still love you Chris, but y'all know Tom is the closest to me."

Tom raises his eyebrows in surprise even though he was hoping she would say his name. It makes him feel proud that he could beat Hemsworth this time.

"Oh, thanks Hazel," he comments happily and then some of them teases Chris about losing.

"Okay, next! Sebastian."

"Which video of yours do you dislike the most?"

"I had one, like two years ago where I tried to do a hair tutorial and I had to realize later that I'm a makeup artist, not a hair stylist, so that one is horrible. I wanted to delete it a lot of times, but I guess I accepted my worst as well."

"But your hair always look so good!" Elizabeth compliments her.

"Thanks, but I can't do complicated stuff," she chuckles shrugging her shoulders. "Okay, Evans, you are up next."

"I wanted to ask who is your favorite Chris, but I guess it's obviously Hemsworth so I'll ask who do you hate the most from here. Cast members, crew members, everyone included."

"There is a girl, Riley, I'm really not sure what her job is, but she is so rude to me always when I'm watching the filming," she explains with a pouty look and earning some awws from the others.

"We'll have a talk with her," Chris says pretending to be some tough guy.

"Alright, Tom, your turn."

"If you could choose a super power, what would it be?"

"Oh I want to fly. Or read minds, that would be so cool."

"So you could find out our dirty little secrets? So nasty!" Robert scoffs making everyone laugh around him.

"That is truly my intention. Okay, Hemsworth."

"I wanna get personal so I'll ask... Do you see yourself getting married to Mason?"

Hazels freezes for a moment. She didn't expect them to ask about Mason and she doesn't want to lie about her breakup, so this is the time to admit it. She is pretty sure she won't get back together with him, so it might as well be her way of telling the world that she is single.

"Um, truth is that Mason and I are not together anymore," she admits looking down at her hands.

"What? But didn't you just visit him at home?" Elizabeth asks in shock.

"I did and that was when we broke up."

"But what happened?" Robert asks as all eyes are on the girl.

"It wasn't working out. We had different views on stuff and I felt like this was the right thing to do. And I still think that."

Questions start flowing from everyone and Hazel answers them patiently as she already knows she will cut this part out leaving only the revealation in the video. But there is one person who is very silent.

Tom is sitting without saying a word, listening to everything others are saying while the fact that Hazel and Mason broke up sinks in to him. She wasn't sad because she was having troubles with Mason this week but because she was struggling with being alone. In one way he feels hurt she didn't tell him, but she mentions that she hasn't told anyone, not even June. On the other hand, he feels like now she can finally losen up and enjoy her time here so he is happy for the breakup.

And also, this way, maybe he can have a chance with the girl. He tried to make himself believe he doesn't have feelings for her, because he didn't want to get himself hurt with falling for a girl who is already taken, but now that she is no longer in a relationship, maybe it is his time.

But then he realizes she probably doesn't want to get into a new relationship so suddenly. Afterall, she dated Mason for more than a year and she probably needs time. 

"Okay, can we move on with the questions?" Hazel's voice brings Tom back from his thoughts and he tries to focus on the new questions.

Hazel glances at him and they exchange a quick smile before they both turn to Sebastian who is asking his next question.

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