Just Another Day

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I wake up to my head pounding, again. I slowly get out of bed, reaching for my phone. Oh god, I woke up late. I quickly run over to my mirror, combing my dark brown hair with my fingers. I look at my face, I've always liked to count my freckles, exactly fourteen along my upper cheeks and my nose. My friends think it's cute, but I just think I'm weird. I look at my piercing, light blue eyes. They compliment my naturally tan skin. I throw on my favorite burgundy beanie, a black t-shirt, and some ripped jeans. I quickly run to the kitchen to see my mom drying some dishes. She's muttering something in Spanish, but I can't understand it. I've always felt like a fake latino because I never knew spainsh. I quickly grab a protein bar and throw my plain black backpack over my shoulder. I say goodbye to my mom and run to the apartment elevator. I press the elevator button and check my phone. A message from Vivian makes my stomach sink. Vivian is my..incredibly scary, probably crack head of a girlfriend.

Vivian: Baaaaaaabbbbeeee are you on your way to school? You're late :((((

I sigh as I type out my response.

Me: Yeah, just woke up late.

I send the message, slowly putting my phone into my jean pocket. The elevator doors creak open as I walk out. I open my protein bar and take small bites as I walk to school. I've always hated walking to and from school. The neighbourhood my apartment is in is super sketchy. A lot of gangs and drug dealers live around here. I manage to stomach half of my protein bar. After seeing that Vivian was expecting me, I wasn't hungry. My head swirls with sad, anxiety filled thoughts. " If you hate her so much you should just leave her!" "But what if she tries to hurt me?? she's insane after all.." I continue to argue with myself, then looking up and realizing I had reached the school parking lot. I walk up to the front of the school, seeing James and Kara talking. Kara sees me first, "Where the hell have you been?" She says, walking over to me with James trailing behind her. "I slept in.." I say quietly, seeing Vivian in the corner of my eye. "She saw me.." I say as I see Vivian walk toward me. Kara sighs, patting me on the shoulder before walking away with James. James mouths something to me before leaving, " Good luck.." I sigh, turning towards her. "Heyyyy..babyyyy!" She says, stumbling and putting her hands on my chest. I look at her with wide eyes, pushing her away and holding her at her shoulders. "Vivian..are you high?" I say to her, quietly. "N-No what are you talking about-" She says while slurring her words, squinting her eyes and looking up at me, only to have her head fall back down. I groan as I start to lead her to the nurse's office, "I'm going to be late because of you." Just before I get her inside she starts to vomit profusely. I quickly jump out of the way so it would miss my clothes, running inside and grabbing the nurse. I sit in the office, waiting for the nurse to dismiss me. After getting her into the nurse's room, the nurse walks back over to me with a pass. "Your free to go, thank you for bringing her in." She says, handing me the pass. I thank her and make my way upstairs to my chemistry class. I walk in and immediately get overwhelmed with anxiety. I feel as though everyone is staring at me. I quickly walk over to my teacher, handing her the pass shyly. "I-I had to t-take someone to the n-nurse." I say, stuttering. I immediately wish I hadn't said anything, cringing at my feeble voice. My teacher nods, "Ok thank you, take a seat." I rush over to my seat and sit down tensly. Kara, who happened to be my partner, turns to me. "What happened??" She says in a hushed voice. I sigh, "Well..Vivian is defiantly on something. Something probably illegal." I say, rubbing my temples to relieve pressure. Kara shakes her head, "I know you don't like me saying this..but you need to break up with her." She says. A few small tears prick my eyes and I quickly blink them away, "I'm too scared..what if she-" I get cut off by the teacher snapping to get Kara and I to pay attention. We stop talking and finish up with class. About thirty minutes later the bell rings, and everyone rushes out of the door. Kara pats me on the back, whispering in my ear, "It's gonna be ok, I'll see you after school." I nod in response, walking off to my next class. I honestly don't know what I'm going to do.

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