Chapter 11: You're Okay Now

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Aiah's P.O.V
" Dad..Mom why are y- "
"Shhhh baby everything's okay." As I get cut off by my mom. She looks at me and smiles. I cant really hear nor see anything,  but I could read her lips really well.  My mom was sitting next to my bed with her hand in mines. I could smell my dad's  cologne in the room but I couldn't see him. I look over to my mom and I ask "Why are you here.. how did you even know I was in the hospital?" My mom looks at me and says " A mother knows baby, she just knows."

               I really didn't get it. Because she's never been there for me EVER! I knew this lady all my life and she has not been there for me, it feels so strange for her to be right here at the hospital with me right now, especially when my dad's here. It's like somethings up and I know this sounds weird coming out of my mouth, but its true. I don't know how they knew I  was here , I barely even talk to them and I know for a fact that I've never spoke of them since I moved out of their house. Only Vel knows about my parent and why I moved out.

        Knowing that they even knew I was in the hospital is  very odd to me, because I have never told them where I was moving to. Sad thing is I cannot remember what happen and how in Gods name I got into the hospital. Why did this happen to me out of all the people in this world, I want to remember so bad and that guy ... who is that guy. It seems that he knows me and I know him , but he's so unrecognizable I cant get a hold of it but its like when he started to talk I felt safe in his words and I believed in him as he told me that I  was okay. 

Vel's P.O.V

I get a phone call from this number out of town, no biggie cause I get unknown numbers all the time, but this time I felt something strange about this number. As I recall, I do remember this morning I received that same phone call from that same number, I didn't pay to much attention to it though. I here a knock on my door I walk towards it and  look through the peep whole I saw no one, but I kept hearing knocking on the door. I didn't want to open it  cause when  I'd as who it was no one would reply, but the knocking wouldn't stop. And at this point I started to get a little freaked. The sun was going down and I wasn't expecting anyone at this hour , Lay was in Miami for the weekend, Vince was in Malibu, Deonshae was at the hospital, and I was sitting at home by myself with my dog. So yeah, it  kinda creeped my out. My  Mind was telling me to get my phone and call Deonshae. Why? Because I know if I tell big ahh Deonshae that I'm in need of his help, because I feel like I'm in danger he'll be in here by 2.5 seconds no doubt, or I could call the police and let them handle my dead body 30 mintues after!! Or I could just lock everything up and just calm down and forget. OHHH FUDGENUGGETS IM CALLING DEONSHAE!!

Deonshaes P.O.V

*Ring Ring*

D: Wassup

V: Ummm I got a problem down at the house

D: What's the problem Vel?

V:  This number keeps calling me and soon after I hear continuous knocking on my door and it's kinda creeping me out 

D: Are all your windows locked and is your passcode set?

V: Yes!! They are all locked and my passcode is set but I don"t feel safe

D: Okay hold on, I'll be down there in a sec




D: VEL!!...VEL

V: ( * Screams*)( Phone call disconnects)

D: Dam

I hurry and leave the hospital, I get in my car and I start running it up I fix my rear-view mirror facing the back I look into the mirror and I see a person in back seat of my car . Whoever it was had a mask on then they pulled out a gun and faced it to my head , then told me to drive. Me being a stubborn I replied with " Sorry his isn't a f'n taxi service." I could tell that person was amateur at holding someone hostage, so I took my chances . I did start driving , but not in a normal way, that person didn't have a seat-belt on. I sped up the car as fast as  I could and I slammed on the brakes causing whoever to fly threw the wind shield. I hit my head on steering wheel but thank the heavens  that I had an airbag so I didn't  get injured to bad. I got out the car and I rush to the body and I pulled of the mask, my heart sunk when I was a woman lying in the middle of the road because of me. I don't know if I should feel bad of not I mean she did hold me at gun point. But my thing is why though, uh but cut the bs I gotta go get to Vel. 

Vels P.O.V

"Uhgg LET ME GO"I say as I'm tied up to a chair MY chair.  He looks at me I can't really see him he has a mouth cover and a black hat on so I only see his eye and I know its not the right time to say this about a person who just tied me to me own freakin chair, but his eyes are very beautiful and  I  can see the length of his black and brown highlights in his bangs ooui. Uh I'm getting off subject.

     " Please just let me go man!  What do you want that I have dude." He turned his head quick walked up to me I could smell gasoline on his hands when he reached out his hands towards my neck and pulled me closer to his face with words simply following " You know what I want." I looked at him in confusion and a certain person popped in my mind when I heard him say that . I looked up at him and I saw him wink at me. He took his mouth mask off and I could see a scar running from his left eye all the way to his top lip. He smirks at me and says" Aiahlia would be surprised to see me back."   My eyes widen  when I realized that no it wasn't Julian but the stalker of all stalkers the one who was deeply in love with my best-friend. I glared at him and said " ARRON!!" 

A Time for you and me(Aiahlias Story)Where stories live. Discover now