Disloyalty & 'Be My Girlfriend?'

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"You don't know how much I've missed you Alex. No words will ever come to tell you-"

"I love you."

Ok, maybe those words will.

We take a seat, and the applause doesn't stop.

I look at Dean, and he gives me a friendly smile.


Ella P.O.V

"Ok Georgia, please stand up."

Georgia stands. Her chin is crumpled, her soul is breaking, but like the strong woman she is, she's keeping it together. "How do you feel?"

"Scared." Is all she says.

"Well Georgia, I have to ask. Would you like to stay loyal to Josh, or has another boy caught your eye?"

She peers over at Jordan: they've gotten so close in the villa over the past few days. "I think that one of the best traits I carry is loyalty, and I think Josh values that."

I don't have a good feeling about this.

"I'm going to stay loyal to Josh."

The villa breaks into utter silence, so much you could hear a pin drop. "If Josh walks into the villa by himself, you will resume as a couple. If he walks in with another girl, you will be single."

The time doesn't tick past, but stands still. There's no sight of Josh for what feels like hours, but finally, a figure flashes around the corner.

Two figures.

"Welcome back Josh." Caroline greets. "And welcome to the villa, Kaz."

Oh mate, you've effed up.

Georgia turns her head to look back at Alex and I. She's fuming, but tears flow from her eyes. The air is so thick you could chew it up, but Georgia seems to be crushing under the pressure.

"Take a breath, compose yourself," Alex whispers to her.

Georgia takes three deep breaths and turns back around to face Josh and Kaz. "I put my loyalty and trust in you, Josh. You may be happy ... happier ... but you will never realise how much you've f***ed up."

After Josh admits that Kaz is sensational-and-the-most-incredible-woman-he's-ever-met, they take a seat.

They sit beside Alex and me.


"Yeah." He replies, turning his head to look at me.

I shake my head. "No disrespect to the unlucky girl on your arm, but you've really f***ed up on this one."

Caroline takes a deep breath.

"So that's the end of the recoupling. Dean, Jack, and Jordan, you were not picked, therefore you will be going home. And three girls weren't picked from Casa Amor, so please welcome Savannah, Grace, and Charlie."

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