Frequently asked questions #2

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1. Has Aris told you his real name yet?

No he hasn't. Quite frankly, I don't think he wants to go by his birth name anymore. He told me he's used to the name Aris now and probably will continue to go by it in the future.

2. How hard is it to take care of certain things when in that hospital you're in, given that you're a female. (I.e. Periods and stuff)

Not that hard. The staff provide you with a few feminine products but not much. I work with what I'm given.

3. You should stop cutting

I'm gonna give the simplest answer to that:

I can't, and I won't.

4. Why don't you show your face in anything?

Because I don't want to. Plus I'm ugly so I'll do you the favour in saving your eyesight.

5. I know you said you'd never do an Instagram live but maybe can you do one with just your voice? Maybe answer questions if you need distractions?

I don't see the point, that would be pretty boring.. I'll think about it.

6. Is Jasper your real name?

No, but when I get the chance I'm legally changing it. I've never told anybody my real name, not even Aris and I don't plan to. It pains me too much to remember.

7. Can I be your friend?

I don't trust easy. But if you insist, I wouldn't recommend it though.

8. Any word on when you're being released?

Nope. I kinda stopped asking.

9. What's your sexuality?


10. Do you do anything that maybe calms you down or distracts yourself? (Draw, dance, sing?)

I've sung before. Aris asks me to sing from time to time if it's lights out and he can't sleep. He tells me it's therapeutic to him but I dunno, I'm no expert.

11. Got a song you identify or relate with/to?

I got many, they are mainly all depressing or emo songs though.

12. Are you going to update your book?

Not right now, no. I don't know if I ever will, my brain is being pumped with all these drugs I'm losing my memory on certain events.

13. I know you said ''I don't know'' when someone asked if you liked Aris before. But can you maybe explain why you aren't sure?

I don't know because I don't want to get too close to him or anybody else for that matter. They get too close, I end up hurting them. Relationships never ended well for me, and I don't want to ruin anything.

I can tell Aris likes me. He occasionally puts his head on my shoulder if we're far away enough from staff (because touching, kissing, hugging, etc. Isn't allowed).

The whole hand holding thing when we had that freedom walk.

Him asking me to quietly sing something so he can fall asleep. (Which I kind of understand why he wants me to do that though. The screams at night from other patients can get pretty disturbing) but still.

Sitting close beside me everyday or anytime he gets to see me. (You can see him beside me in one of my Instagram pictures)

Now I got moved into his room and he was a bit over excited about it. I don't know if he's like that with other female friends of his but it's unlikely.

You want the direct answer then sure. I like him, but not to the degree of dating. I don't do commitment or relationships. Not anymore.

I steal juice boxes for him when he asks but that's about all.

14. Any advice for people going into high school?

Well firstly you should never take advice from me. Like ever.

But really, listen to the basics you've already been told.

Keep to yourself when there's drama, don't be me and go looking for it.

Be careful who you stay friends with, you can only trust yourself nowadays.

Don't force yourself to wear what sluts in high school wear. You say you want to look like them, but believe me, you really don't. Honestly, be yourself, don't waste your money on boob and lip injections either.

And hey, use condoms kids. Seriously. Any man wants to choose the other option, smack them over the head with a fucking desk.

Hope that helps, good luck in hell.

I sure didn't survive it.

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