chapter one

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I inwardly sighed as I took a glance around the empty record store. The store I worked at, “Records +”, was basically the shittiest store in the whole city. Now don’t get me wrong, I love record stores and vinyl and the like, but this was just a sad excuse for a store. Nobody ever came in here because they would go to chain stores and buy their vinyls brand new. We only sold previously owned vinyls and CDs here, so you could definitely say it wasn’t a hot commodity unless you were broke. 

My eyes shifted down to my phone to check the time. I scoffed when I realized I still had an hour left before I was off work. My job would definitely be more interesting if people actually came here. However, I was forced to do inventory and put prices on everything when nobody was here. Even my boss didn’t do anything. He just sat in the back of the store doing “paperwork”… which translated into “nothing.”

I was not necessarily a people person but desperate times called for desperate measures. I was very content to be alone almost all of the time, in fact I preferred it. But endless days with hardly any costumers resulted in me wanting some people to show up already.

My phone buzzed and I looked down to notice a text from my boyfriend, Ryan. 

You still coming over after work? - R xx

I sighed as I typed my response. Ryan and I haven’t been on the best of terms for, well, a long time. It seemed like we were always fighting and it just got worse and worse every fight. But we always somehow tried to work it out. I responded ;

Sure. - A 

I turned my phone off and shoved it back in my pocket before deciding to make my last hour of work slightly less boring by organizing some more vinyls. With a lack of customers we always had overstock, meaning I had to organize it all the time.

Just as I made my way over to the vinyl section I heard the bell ding by the door indicating that somebody had entered. “Thank god.” I thought to myself. My head turned and I noticed a very tall boy standing looking around. He had dishevelled blue hair that looked like it had faded significantly. He was wearing tight black jeans that were very well worn along with what appeared to be a vintage Green Day shirt. Intriguing. 

“Hi there. Do you need any help?” I asked in a chirpy tone of voice which most definitely did not match my appearance. With bright red hair, a Metallica shirt, and ripped jeans you never would have guessed that I worked here except for my name tag that clearly wrote my name in thick black letters, “Arielle.”

The boy glanced at me and smirked, “Uh, yeah. I was bored so I thought I’d come in here… man this place is kind of a dump isn’t it?” I couldn’t help but laugh at his outwardly honest comment, and I nodded. “Anyways, I didn’t really have much in mind. Do you have any suggestions for good new albums?” He asked me and I grinned slightly.

“Well you seem like the type who likes rock, punk, metal… that kind of stuff.” I stated as I turned around and walked through the store. I heard his footsteps following me as I briskly moved through the aisles. “So, how about some Arctic Monkeys?” I asked as I stopped at the section with all their vinyls.

The blue-haired boy searched through the records I lead him to and nodded in approval. “Alright. I’ve heard of them but I’ve never really listened to them much. I’ll take, uh, this one.” He said as he randomly picked out AM.

“Great choice,” I informed him, “That’s one of my personal favourites. Arctic Monkeys are one of my favourite bands, and this album is fantastic.” He stared intently as I told him the slightly unnecessary information, but I was bored so I rambled. My eyes looked at the vinyl once more before I cleared my throat, “alright, so uh, that’ll be $10.” I said as I made my way over to the cash register and punched in the purchase. The boy handed me the cash and I smiled as I handed back his vinyl in a bag.

However, instead of leaving, the boy just stood there. 

“Um, is there anything else I can help you with?” I asked, nervously. Why was he still standing here?

He shook his head and smiled. “No. You just look bored so maybe I should stick around.” He informed me whilst he ran a hand through his fluffy hair. 

“Oh… um ok. Well first of all, what’s your name?” I asked, still slightly confused.

“Michael,” he responded, “and you’re… Arielle.” He said peeking at my name tag before he started to chuckle. “Arielle,” He repeated, “like The Little Mermaid? It matches your hair so it makes it even better.” I rolled my eyes and laughed a bit with him.

“I prefer to be called Elle by most people to avoid dumb Disney references.” I retorted and he smiled. 

“Arielle is a pretty name, don’t worry. But I might call you mermaid instead.” My mouth curved into a grin as we continued laughing and chatting. We had a lot in common; music, stances on Disney films, etc. He was surprisingly easy and pleasant to talk to despite his somewhat cocky aura. 

The hour seemed to race by because before I knew it my shift was over. “Ah shit, I’m off now.” I informed him and he frowned. 

“Well uh, do you wanna hang out or something?” He asked looking slightly nervous just as I was an hour ago. I almost immediately said yes before I remembered that I had to meet up with Ryan, even though I really didn’t want to. “I could always tell him I wasn’t feeling well.” I pondered. Michael seemed really nice and I enjoyed talking to him, so I made an executive decision to blow Ryan off for just one night and hang out with my new friend.

“Sure, I’d love to.” I told him honestly and he grinned once again. Michael had such a big smile that seemed to light up his face and make his greenish-blue eyes twinkle. I couldn’t lie, it was pretty cute. 

I grabbed my bag off the floor and yelled to my boss I was off before leaving my name tag behind and heading out the door with Michael. I was never one to make new friends easily and especially with cute boys who liked the same bands I did. My head shook itself from those thoughts because I had a boyfriend, and this was just friendly. Being the reclusive introvert I was it was weird to make friends easily. But I guess this was a risk I didn’t really mind taking.

“And we’re off, mermaid.” Michael beamed as he closed the door behind us and we walked down the street. We were off on some adventure that I had no idea what to expect from.

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