Loving You is Wavering my Soul

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**Matt's POV

I watch her leave, knowing what the title/lyrics mean to us and I knew that this might be a possibility if she heard the song. The guys are looking at me now very confused, "Matt? What just happened?", Moose says, he's looking at me and back at the door where Laura just went through. 

I'm still staring at the door she left from, not answering. I shuffle from the balls of my feet from one foot to the other, contemplating my next move.

"...Fuck it..." I say and the next thing I know, I'm running out the door trying to find Laura. I figure I should try the Ladies' bathroom, hoping she wouldn't leave like that. I knock a couple of times, and no answer, I stick head inside to see if she's there, "Laura? You in here?",  and that's when I hear sniffling a lot and someone clearing their nose. I step inside, leaning against the sink with my hands folded across my chest waiting for her to come out. "You know I'm going to wait here until you come out of there right?", I say matter of factly.

A few minutes later, she comes out and goes to wash her hands, not saying anything. "Laura, you know it's fine right?", trying to figure out a way to make her feel better.

She looks at me now like I'm stupid, "No Matt, it's not fine. I hurt you all those years ago and clearly, I still am now, judging from what I heard from the lyrics, maybe I should of never come back, your life would be better off without me, your getting married, the band is huge now...you have an amazing life ahead of you, and I don't want to be the one to ruin it", she finally looks at me, her words wash over me and now I'm even more pissed off then I was a minute ago.

I can't hold back anymore, "What the hell are you talking about Laura?!?! Your one of my oldest friends! I wouldn't even be here without you! Yeah what you did was a shitty thing to do, and I was upset even after we hung out at the coffee shop but then I thought about it and I realized you made your choice, and that it's been 7 years and its time I got over it and I need you to know I'm not upset about it anymore", I say looking at her seriously in her eyes, "I just write lyrics that I really care about, and I can't help it if what's happening in my life translates to music, it's how I let it out, sometimes that includes you, you were and still are a big part of my life...and part of me will always love you, Laura...I guess I just miss my best friend, and I need to let it out somehow, it's just hard when your friend makes choices without even talking to you about it", I say exasperated, I've been holding that in for such a long time.

Looking at her like she's the light of my life, not knowing how I just spent the last 7 years without her. 

**Laura's POV

His voice is lower now, he's looking down at his engagement ring, twirling it around on his finger and I could tell he was holding something back but I let it go, not wanting to push it.  "...And maybe that's why Charlie & I can't find the right date for the wedding, we're both trying to find the perfect date as if it will magically fix all our problems, I just don't know what to do anymore, got any help?", he looks at me now like I can fix it.

I sigh awkwardly, looking the other way, wondering how I got into the position of giving Matt relationship advice on his relationship with his fiancée, "Well I think both of you should really  talk, and tell her how you feel; if you show her some effort of what you want for the both of you, I guarantee it's going to work, us girls love that", I try being the leased bias and ambiguous person I can be right now.

He laughs and comes over to me, and gives me a big bear hug, wrapping him muscular arms around me, "Of course, when you say it like that, it's so sounds so simple Laura, and thanks for everything, and don't even worry about what the lyrics say in the song, it's part of our history and it's going to be a great rock song, I hope you love it to," and then he kisses the top of my forehead, and for a second I almost feel him inhale the scent of my shampoo and he lets me go just as quickly I barely have a chance to think. Next thing I know, we walk out of the bathroom side by side, not talking to each other, since we have been best friends for such a big part of our lives that we're content in the quietness and our hands touch against each other so lightly like a feather, I dont even know if he realized our hands almost touched.

Just before we walk back to the recording studio, I put my hand on Matt's arm stopping him from going in, "Thanks for being so understanding and the invite to the studio made it even more special", he looks over at me with a big smile, "Don't even mention it". He kisses the top of my forehead, and I feel his lips on my skin and it completely throws me off balance, knowing he didn't mean it that way. 

We walk in, and Matt announced we're going to a favourite Pub in the area but wouldn't tell me which one. 

Another hour later, the guys were done recording for the day, so we grabbed our stuff getting into Matt's BMW and left to go to this famous Pub that they won't tell me what its called, until we park and head inside and I notice the name outside...

...Two Brewers.

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