Chapter 3

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When Strange comes back to the compound to test out a theory, Peter meets the symbiote Tony has been keeping locked away in his vault.

(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Doctor Strange's Visit

It was around five o'clock when the portal opened and non other than Doctor Strange stepped through. Exciting things happened at the compound whenever Peter visited, but he never imagined that he would get to see Doctor Strange on that fateful Saturday!

Doctor Strange was a cool guy, from what Peter knew about him. They had only met once before, and those circumstances weren't really spoken of by any of the heroes. In fact, most of them liked to pretend it never happened. Peter didn't mind that even a little bit. He didn't like talking about what happened in space. So they didn't.

Peter didn't know that Tony had banned the others from talking about those events while Peter was around.

"Strange, good to see you again." Tony stood up from his work bench and went to shake the magician's hand.

He nodded and took Tony's hand. "I wish it were under better circumstances," He replied. "I need to see it, Wong and I think we may have come up with a solution. But I need to test something before we can try it."

"Sure thing, follow me," Tony said. The two heroes headed towards the lab door before Tony stopped and turned to Peter. "You, too, kid. I don't need to come back to a half destroyed lab."

"That was one time!" Peter protested, but got up and followed Tony and Strange anyway.

They went down a private elevator that Peter had never seen before--and he had been all over the compound! It went underground, as far as Peter could tell. His spidey senses began to go off, but Peter figured it was probably due to them getting deeper and deeper. Peter took deep breaths and tried to focus on not being underground. Ever since his encounter with the Vulture on Homecoming night, Peter didn't do well in especially tight spaces, or underground spaces. He had become a bit claustrophobic since the whole incident, but tried to hide that the best he could.

When the elevator came to a stop, Tony led the two down a long hallway at the end of which there was a large metal door. Peter looked at in awe before turning to Mr. Stark. "Where are we?" He asked.

"This is where I keep all of our toys," Tony replied. "Some of my older suits, Cap's new shield, gear for everyone... just a bunch of shit that probably shouldn't fall into enemy hands." He held his hand up to the scanner. It dinged and the door began to slide open. "I figured this was the safest place to keep it, Strange."

The magician nodded approvingly while Peter admired the equipment that lined the walls. He wanted to touch everything, but he knew Mr. Stark would send him straight home if he tried to mess with Captain America's shield, so he kept his hands to himself. He kept up with the other men as they headed towards the back of the vault. Peter glanced over Mr. Stark's shoulder as he picked something up from the shelf in front of him.

"What is that?" Peter asked, tilting his head to the side curiously.

"A magical box designed to keep the contents safe from anything," Doctor Strange replied, carefully taking the box from Tony before turning to leave the vault. Peter and Tony followed closely behind the magician. Peter had a million other questions that he wanted to ask. "What's in it?" He asked. "Is it something magic? Why did you give it to Tony? What is it doing in the vault?"

"Slow down, kid," Tony said.

"It's a dangerous alien life form that I found not too long ago," Strange replied. "I asked Stark to keep it safe for me until I could figure out what to do about it, and I think I may have figured out a way to send it back to space, but I needed to test something before I tried."

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