Chapter one

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What the hell is it?" Tony asked Strange, eyeing the black substance curiously.

"Something extremely dangerous."


When Stephen Strange asks Tony Stark to store a mysterious black substance-Strange refers to it as a 'symbiote'-Stark obliges. He locks it away and orders that no one goes near it...

Peter didn't mean to let it touch him--honest.

OKAY, SO this story is inspired by a comic made by @pinetrees_ on Instagram. His drawings are amazing and he made an amazing comic about Venom and Peter and Tony and I couldn't help but get inspired to write this story based on his take on the Venom story arc. So, please go give him a follow on Instagram, or at least go and check out the comic that inspired this story! Thanks, everybody!
(See the end of the work for more notes.)

Chapter 1: A Favor For An Old Friend

Chapter Text

A Favor For An Old Friend

Stephen Strange's name was honestly the perfect fit for his new life. It was indeed strange. He had gotten used to most of it by now, the magic, the aliens, the enemies... but there was always something that seemed to surprise him. That day in November was the day it all started. Stephen didn't know what he was getting into when he found it, honestly. It didn't seem harmful at first, so he took it back to the Sanctum he had been assigned to protect, the New York Sanctum.

The doctor stored the mysterious black substance away, not knowing what it truly was until it was too late.

Wong told Strange what it was, a symbiote. The term was lost on the doctor, he'd never heard of anything like it before. According to Wong, it came from outer space. Strange sighed when he found out he had brought an alien back into their Sanctum. Of course he had. Because nothing was ever as it truly seemed, and Strange had forgotten that. He should have realized, his life was never as it seemed anymore.

When the symbiote broke out of its case and began trying to escape, Strange decided there was only one person he could turn to for help. As much as he hated to admit it, Tony Stark would know what to do.

So he left Wong in charge of the Sanctum while he traveled to the Avengers compound in upstate New York to ask for the billionaire's help.

"Not gonna lie, I didn't expect to see you so soon," said Tony Stark as he welcomed Strange into the compound. Stark had once offered Strange a place on the team, a place at the compound. He declined, saying he couldn't leave his station in New York City. It was his duty to protect the Sanctum, he couldn't just abandon it. So, Stark had instead awarded him honorary membership of the Avengers team.

"I know, sorry if I'm intruding," Strange replied.

Tony shook his head and grinned at the man. "You're always welcome here, Strange," He said. "I can't help but ask, to what do I owe the pleasure?"

Strange sighed. He wasn't used to asking for help from anyone, except maybe Wong. But here went nothing: "I need a favor."

The billionaire turned to look at the magician and raised an eyebrow. He knew just as much as the next guy that Strange wasn't the type to ask for help. Usually, when the Sanctum was in trouble or ever needed help, he got a phone call (or surprise magical portal visit) from Wong; never Strange.

"Sure. Name it."

The magician raised his hands and used his sling ring to open up a portal (to where Tony couldn't tell) and reached in. What he pulled from the portal caused Tony to raise an eyebrow. Strange was holding a box engraved with odd markings. It was beautiful, Tony had to say, definitely something mystical.

Tony was a man of science, and all of Strange's magic had always dumbfounded him. For the longest time, Tony always said that magic was just science that they didn't understand yet. But Strange was adamant on making him see that magic was simply that: magic.

Strange was less than successful so far.

"What's in the box?" Tony asked, tilting his head curiously.

"It's easier to show you," Strange replied as he set it down on the table in front of them. Strange held his hands up and began circling them in the air, creating a sparkling golden glow appear. It still marveled Tony to see his friend perform magic. Even if he didn't believe in it, Tony had to admit that it was impressive.

The box was encased in the magical glow before the lid began to open. Tony leaned over, interested to see what Strange had brought.

At first, Tony didn't get what the fuss was about. He saw nothing more than a pile of black goo. He raised an eyebrow and then turned his head to look at Strange. "You brought... black goop?" He asked.

"It's far more than 'black goop'," The magician replied darkly. Tony noticed the tone of voice and immediately began to take Strange seriously.

"What the hell is it?" Tony asked, eyeing the black substance curiously.

"Something extremely dangerous."

"Right, right... why do you have it?" The billionaire questioned.

"I found it. Wong calls it a 'symbiote' and apparently it's not from around here."

Tony narrowed his eyes. "Meaning... it's not from Earth." He guessed. His suspicions were confirmed as Strange nodded. "What do you need me to do?"

"Keep it locked away," Strange answered. "This is one of the most secure buildings in the entire world, it's much safer than the Sanctum--I need you to keep it here, away from people, until Wong and I can figure out how to send it back to where it came from."

Tony nodded understanding. "Sure, I can do that," He replied. "But what if you can't send it back?"

Strange shrugged. "Then we'll figure out a way to destroy it." His magic slammed the box shut again.


"Thank you for this, Tony," Strange said as he handed the box off to his friend. "I know you're not a fan of aliens, I appreciate that you're doing this."

The billionaire shrugged, waving the magician off. "Don't worry about it, aliens are dicks, so if I can keep one from being a dick to everybody, you bet your ass I'm gonna," He said. "You just keep me posted about this thing, if you find anything out, that is."

Strange nodded. "You got it." The men shook hands before Strange opened a portal back to his Sanctum in New York City. "Oh, and Stark?" Strange turned back to him as he was stepping through the portal. "Whatever you do, don't let anyone touch that thing." With that, he was gone.

Tony snorted. "That's not ominous as hell at all." He headed down to his secure vault--it was where he kept all of the Avengers most dangerous and most useful tools. New models of Cap's shield, weapons for the Widow and Hawkeye, even new gear for Thor and the Hulk, were all stored in the vault. Tony let the device scan his thumbprint before the doors slid open.

He walked into the vault and placed the box on its own shelf, far in the back. "You won't be getting outta here anytime soon, buddy," Tony said as he stared at the box. "Look at me, I'm talking to a magical box that has an alien inside." He sighed, shaking his head. "And it's not even the weirdest thing I've ever done."

The billionaire turned on his heel and left the vault, securing the door on his way out.

The door closed, and the symbiote was left in darkness. It didn't like that.


"I will escape... I will not be kept here..." It hissed to itself. "Venom will not be contained!"
Okay rewrite :/ I the same story on my account @ Allthemfanfics

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