Chapter 7: Angry

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They used to be Peter's favorite day of the week. He always, always looked forward to spending time with Mr. Stark and working with him in his lab. Suit upgrades were always what the teen looked forward to the most.

But that Saturday, Peter wasn't excited. He didn't want to wake up early on his first day off all week to go and do more work. He didn't want to go upstate, he didn't want to interact with Happy or even with Mr. Stark—especially with Mr. Stark.

What if Mr. Stark realized Venom was gone and Peter slipped up? What if Peter accidentally gave his friend's location away? There were so many what ifs... and Peter's head was swimming with possibilities of mess-ups.

Venom wanted to go with Peter—Peter wanted Venom to stay in his bedroom that day. "It's just too dangerous this time, Venom," Peter said. "Mr. Stark could realize you're gone and then find you... or Doctor Strange could show up..."

But the symbiote wasn't having it. Venom was going to accompany Peter upstate even if it killed him.

So when Happy showed up at eight in the morning that Saturday, Peter had no choice but to bring Venom with him. The symbiote was clinging to the back of Peter's neck, and as weird as it was, Peter was used to the odd sensation he felt whenever Venom was on his neck. It was oddly comforting for the teenager. Whenever he felt alone, he knew that he wasn't really, not with Venom around.

"Morning, Peter," Happy said as Peter climbed into the car.

"Morning," Peter mumbled back his somewhat sleepy response. Or at least Happy assumed he was just sleepy, he had no idea that the trip upstate was what was really worrying the kid.

"Don't worry, Peter, everything will be fine..." Venom tried to sooth Peter's nerves. It helped somewhat, knowing that Peter had a friend there to help him today. Though it also made him nervous, because if Mr. Stark found out that Venom was with him... Peter would never be allowed upstate again and Venom would likely be killed.

Happy kept a close eye on the kid as they drove upstate. Peter had been acting odd the last time Happy saw him, so the man had every reason to be worried about him. Though, Happy would never admit that--being worried about Peter? Please, if the kid ever heard those words cross his lips, he'd never hear the end of it. But he kept a close eye on Peter nonetheless.

When they arrived at the compound, Peter was a nervous wreck. He was sweating profusely, but tried his hardest not to let it show. He grabbed his backpack and quickly left the car, leaving Happy's company without so much as a word to the man.

"Do not worry, Peter, I am here to help you..." Venom said.

That helped calm his nerves slightly. He took a deep breath and entered the lab. Tony was there waiting, as usual. The older man glanced up as the door opened and Peter walked in. He grinned a bit and gestured for Peter to come join him. "Kid, I think I figured out how to add repulsers to the Iron Spider suit without interfering with the suit's mainframe like I was telling you about last week," Tony said, somewhat excitedly.

Peter cautiously approached Tony, wringing his hands together, hoping the billionaire wouldn't notice anything odd about his demeanor. He didn't really want to be there that day, with Venom hiding on his shoulder, he felt exposed and in danger. It was odd, to say the least, he usually felt safe around Tony... but knowing that the billionaire wanted to hurt Venom... he just couldn't help but feel in danger himself.

Tony glanced up at the kid and raised an eyebrow. "Everything okay, kid?" He asked, setting his tool down and spinning in his chair to face Peter, who nodded immediately.

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