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I woke up in a white room, and connected to multiple tubes and wires. Am I really in a hospital? The doctor came in and looked a bit surprised. "Ms. Y/L/N, correct?" I nodded.

"Do you know why you're here?" I nodded again, not feeling like talking.

"Alright then. Well I must inform you that we will have to get the drugs out your system, and it may hurt. We will have to tick a tube in your stomach and pump it out."

"Whatever, Doc. Do what you gotta do." I said, sitting up.

A nurse walked in, holding a clipboard. "There are two people here to see you. Is that okay with you?"

"It depends. Who is it?"

"Sarah and Sabrina Carpenter." I got a bit angry when she said Sabrina's name. "Sarah can come in, but not Sabrina."

"Ok. I'll be sure to tell them." She said, then walked out the room after checking on my heart rate and stuff. The doctor went, too, and told me that he'll be back in a hour of so, to pump my stomach.

"Y/N!" Sarah said, and I was engulfed in a hug. "Hey, Sar." I chuckled a bit.

"What did the doctor say?"

"He said that they have to pump my stomach to get the drugs out. Supposedly, it's gonna hurt. He'll be back later for the procedure."

"Ok. Oh I'm just so happy that you're okay! You had us worried sick!"

"Us?" I cocked an eyebrow.

"Yeah. Me, my parents, and Sabrina." I rolled my eyes. "I highly doubt that Sabrina would care about me."

"Well she does. She even brought you those flowers." She pointed to my table, which had roses on it.

"Sympathy. That's all it is." I said, laying back down on my bed. "She doesn't actually care about me. She said it herself so don't even say that it's not true." I said, emotionless.

She sighed. "I'm tired, Sarah. I'll talk to you later, okay?" She patted my head.

"Ok. Bye, Darkmoon." I slightly smiled at the nickname.

"Bye, dork." I said, before I saw the door close.

I got my phone and headphones, and started listening to Lonely by Demi Lovato. I sang along but as I did so, I started thinking about Sabrina.

"She felt just like you. Her arms, her lips. Her promises are just as smooth."

"You're not gonna leave me right? You're not gonna hurt me?" I said, looking into her ocean blue eyes. "I promise I won't, love. Don't worry. I'll be here with you forever." She said, and kissed me.

Why would you lie to me, Sabrina?

"Her grip, I fit through. I'll admit that. Only you could make me feel the way you do." She's the first person that could make me happy.

  "You know love is blind, and she just caught my eye." Since the day I first saw her.

"You know me and honestly, I'm better without ya. Don't you got me checking on my phone by the hour. Baby I'm hoping I'm praying. My knees weak, I'm shaking. Cause you knew that I always needed saving. Now I'm fucking lonely and you didn't want me."

"We're not dating and we're not even friends! I don't even like you anymore!" She yelled, breaking my heart yet again.

"Trying to show me that you didn't own me, but all you do is leave me fucking lonely. Knees on the concrete, cut up and bleeding for no goddamn reason. But all you do is leave me fucking lonely."

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