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Sabrina's POV

This, this can't be happening! I started yelling her name but got no answer.  I put my ear to her chest and her her heart beating normally. Then it stopped completely.

Then I woke up, I wasn't near Y/N. Instead, I was on my plane to London. Tears started streaming down my face then I was full on sobbing.

Luckily, not a lot of people were on the lane and the people who were, had earbuds in.

I started hyperventilating. I looked behind me, to see my sister, Sarah. I shook her. She looked up at me. "Are you okay?"  I shook my head no quickly.

"I-i can-t r-really breathe right now." I whispered before I started coughing. Sarah quickly sat beside me and held my hands. We started doing breathing exercises until I felt better.

"Thank you." I said, giving her a hug. "Anytime. But why were you crying in the first place?" I started telling her about my nightmare. I didn't get to far in before her phone started ringing.

She started hesitating.

"Go ahead and answer it. I bet it's your boyfriend calling to see if you're okay. I'll finish telling you about it later." I gave her a small smile.

"Are you sure?" I nodded my head. "I love you." She said to me before she went back behind me.

"I love you too, Sar." She answered her phone.

I have to talk to my girlfriend, now. I quickly called her.



I woke up in my room, my blade next to me. I was still bleeding so I wrapped my arm with a bandage and laid back on my bed. I was about to go back to sleep, but then Sabrina called me.

"Why is she even calling you? She doesn't love you." Y/F/N's voice kept repeating in my head.

I needed an escape from my thoughts. I wasn't sleepy and I don't want to do any real damage to myself anymore than I already did today. I remembered something that we had in the house.


I know I shouldn't drink, but who's gonna find out? Besides, who would even care?

I took a couple shots until my vision got fuzzy. I got my phone because it started ringing again.

"Hello?" I giggled since I was intoxicated.

"Hey Baby! Why didn't you answer when I called?"

"Why did you call?" I said, a bit harsher than I intend to.

"I-i wanted to make sure you were okay." She had confusion and sadness laced in her voice.

"I didn't mean to hurt your feelings. Things are just getting really fucking hard since you been gone. More bullying, betrayal, and loneliness. It's torture. I just want a break from this. " I accidentally spoke my thoughts. The other line went quiet. Shit.

"W-wait Sa-Sabrina I-i didn't mean t-to say all th-that." I rambled on until she spoke.

"I'm sorry." Her voice cracked then I heard crying.

I made her cry. "It's not your fault Bri! You're not the one who's making my life hell."

"Who's doing that?" She suddenly had anger in her voice and a hint of sadness, but it wasn't towards me.

Then I told her about Y/F/N and them. The picture, the messages, even the one message about Sabrina. All of it.

"Believe me when I say this, I love you so much. I wouldn't ever hurt you. And listen to me, I'm not lying. You're not some charity event and I wouldn't ever leave you, especially not leave to a different country just to get away from you. I love you with all my heart and my soul. There's not a single person on this Earth that I'd rather be with. Not one."

I had tears in my eyes, but they were different. They were happy tears. I heard someone say "aww!" in the background and Sabrina said "Shut up Sarah."

"I love you too. There's not a single person that I'd rather be with on this Earth besides you. You are my everything."  Then I continued speaking, "But why did you call me? " She told me about her dream.

"Baby, I would never do that to you. I would never leave you like that. I need you and I would never want to hurt you."

"Do you promise?" She asked.

"I promise, and I'm completely sure."


I yawned and felt tired. "Is it okay if we finish talking about this tomorrow? I'm sleepy and I got school."

"Yeah. I love you. Goodnight."

"I love you too, Brina. Sweet Dreams, Princessa."

I hung up and changed into my shorts and long sleeved crop top. I drank a whole bottle of water so I wouldn't have that bad of a hangover, and laid in my bed. I fell asleep and started dreaming about Sabrina. Only, this night felt different. I was fine being by myself.

Fine with being alone, but not lonely.


Sabrina's POV

I was relieved, because she wasn't dead. Although, I started to think more about my dream.

Does she- No. I quickly dismissed the thought from my head.

Why would even she do that to herself? I mean I know she gets bullied, but I don't think that she cuts.

Although she always has her arms hidden and she always wears pants or sweats... I shook my head and decided to stop thinking about it.

After all, she would tell if she did, right?

I don't want what happened in my dream to actually happen. I couldn't bare not seeing or talking to her for the rest of my life. To look at her grave and know that all this could have been avoided.

Even if my dream was to not happen or it would, I will do everything to make sure that she's happy.

"You can count on it."  I thought to myself, while I rested my head on the window. I let sleep take over me.

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