Love like mine

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There is going to be a time jump. This is after Juliette had eloped with this guy Liem and then try to have an actual ceremony for her fans but she didn't walked down the aisle. Also Rayna is on tour with Juliette. Avery and Scarlett are no longer together. 

San Diego, California  

They are at a press conference trying to answer their questions

"This tour came together pretty quickly are you read to play in front of 30 thousand fans tonight? 

"Oh you bet, we spent the last two weeks doing some really great smaller shows in Tosong, St. Atonio, City, Abricoty that's a great one" answered Rayna. (Sorry I can't spell the places they went). 

"It looks like wee really got this down pat" answered Juliette. 

"Yeah" responded Rayna. 

"We are just excited to give our fans in San Diego" said Juliette. 

"So they don't have to worry you will run off at the last minute and leave them high and dry?" asked a woman. 

"No they don't and if the next question be why I didn't make it down the aisle then you know what I'm going to be telling you what I have been telling everybody else. It's called personal matters for a reason" answered Juliette. 

"Rayna this is your first tour ever without your long term guitarist Deacon Claybourn, has there been much of an injustment?" asked a man. 

"Well you know, change is always challenging but we got such a wonderful crew on this tour. I think my fans are going to get the best Rayna James show they have ever seen" answered Rayna. 

"The first one comes to mine" responded Juliette. Rayna laughed. 

"Next Question" she said. 

Jasmine is actually there with a question of her own. She is actually doing this for the school Newspaper at Tennessee State University. 

"Will there be a special guest on this tour?" Jasmine asked. 

"No" answered Rayna. 

Little Rock, Arkansas 

"Juliette soundtrack is at 4 and yours is at 5" said Bucky. "O.k" respond Rayna. "Are you o.k?" asked Bucky. "Yeah you know I love the crew, I love these guys, The Guitar player. I don't know what he's doing" She said. "He was highly recommanded" he told her. "Maybe that's the problem" she stated. "He obviously doesn't have any interest in what we are doing here. He is off doing his own thing." "Let me talk to him" offered Bucky. "Would you?" she asked. "That would be great." Then her phone rang. Her daughters are FaceTiming her. 

"Hey girls what's up" Rayna asked. "Hi mom" responded Maddie and Daphne. "Guess where I am?" Rayna asked. "Where?" asked Maddie. Rayna showed the whole stadium. "Wow" the girls said. "Are you nervous? I would be so nervous" asked Maddie. "No this is not my first rodeo and anyway I know if I fall flat at least I will be coming home to you" Rayna responded. "Hey Hey Hey what is going on here? I told you, you can call mom later. You have homework to do" said Teddy. "Dad" said Daphne. "Dad, come on" responded Maddie. "You all go listen to your dad and I love you so much. I miss you" she said. "You too" responded Daphne. "Love you, miss you" responded Maddie. Then Teddy took the phone. 

"Thanks girls" he said. "Hey hang out I'm going to take it off video." "Oh" responded Rayna. Now it's just a phone call. "I'm back" he said. "How are they doing" she asked. "They are fine" he answered. "How are you doing" she asked. "Hows the polls?" "Well it's a closed call right now. How are you?" he asked. "I guess maybe how are we? Given it more thought?" "Yeah I haven't had a chance to process" she told him. "I'm trying to put together this gigantic grand tour in no time." "So you're not coming back for the election?" he asked. "I didn't say that" she said. "Look, Rayna I get it. You have to work. It would only be for appearance sack anyway" he said. "Teddy that's not true" she tried to tell him. "I got to go to the campaign office" he said and then he hung up. 

Country Legend Rayna JamesWhere stories live. Discover now