Chapter 7

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Elena wakes up and finds herself in the same room in the same berth. She didn't need to guess who brought her back since the person was standing in one corner of the room. And by the look on his face, she could guess that he was waiting his turn to speak For what she didn't need to ask when she felt something or someone hitching her waist back together. She looked in that direction and find one of those working mini-cons finishing the work.

"All done now." said mini-con. "I'm impressed that you managed to handle all that. You could have started to bleed from inside if they had kept it up or worse."

"I was expecting the worse," said Elena and tried to sit up.

"If that would've happened, you wouldn't be here," said Steeljaw with bit anger in his tone. "Mini-con, I would like to talk with your patient."

"Um, yes, sir." said mini-con bit worried. "I'll be near to make diagnose," it said before left the room. Elena tried to speak against, but mini-con already left outside.

"He is allowed to check you. He won't be ordered back to work with others," said Steeljaw as he sat down near her. He probably guessed why she was worried. In this Elena didn't reply and looked away. "I already told you, giving me a silent treatment won't..." he said before he got slapped hard right to his face.

"I know what you said!" yelled Elena. "But If you expect me to thank you for saving me and forget it, then you're wrong!"

"This is because of the mini-cons. Am I right?" asked Steeljaw.

"It sure is!" she yelled. "How dare you to do this to them. They're not slaves! You cons make me sick!"

"Look, I..."

"Don't try anything! You're not better than rest. You're one of the worse. I hate..." she yelled more until she stopped and placed her hand on her mouth.

"Is everything okay?" asked Steeljaw, since he notices that she started to look like...

Right, then Elena moved to the side of the berth and throw up to the floor. Luckily for her, it wasn't anything disgusting. It looked to be just energon, but considering that every Cybertronian has it, it could either means to clear the tanks (like puke) or that you're deadly sick (when you throw up blood).

Steeljaw was confused too. He didn't know she really meant that they make her sick or she really is sick for some reason. He got up and went to get mini-con quickly to check her. Once mini-con saw her condition it came quickly near her and started first ask questions of how is she feeling, did somewhere hurt, etc. By how Steeljaw saw her, she did look like she was going to throw up more, but why he didn't know. He was right in there. Soon as she felt another wave of nauseous to come, mini-con already helped her to the washroom to clear her tank. While she has calmed down a bit, mini-con came to Steeljaw.

"What is it?" he asked.

"It looks more like she is feeling nauseous. It's nothing deadly, though, her levels aren't showing anything life threat, but she, however, needs to refuel to recover properly."

"Do you know what caused it?"

"That I'm not sure. She didn't seem to have any signs of sickness when I last checked her. It looked like it came after that." said mini-con.

Steeljaw tried to think. Mini-con might have point. It must have happened after that. But the only thing that happened was that he tried to talk to her and then she started to yell at him. Obviously, she was going to say... Could it be possible?

"I'll go inform Saberhorn and Glowstrike," said Steeljaw and started to leave, but stopped at door and looked on mini-con. "Watch over her, until I come. If she stops throwing up, help her to get washed and put her back to rest."

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