Chapter 12

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While, Stars were still trying to learn how to use Star connection to locate Elena, Bumblebee, Strongarm, and Grimlock were taking down one mini-con. The plan didn't go exactly how Bee and Strongarm planned, because of Grimlock, but they still managed to capture it.

When they came back to the scrapyard, Grimlock grouses about not being included in the strategy meetings and accuses them of not thinking he's smart enough. Russell and Fixit are meanwhile helping Denny unload a collection of vintage toasters which Denny claims is Russell's college fund. Moments later, Grimlock sadly plonks himself down on the pile of toasters and complains about how Bumblebee and Strongarm don't think he's smart. When he mentions the police academy, Fixit reveals he has a copy of the academy entrance exam. Soon Fixit is feeding the exam directly into Grimlock's head from a Cybertronian data cylinder. Grimlock starts on the first question, but it takes him until sunset, and he still gets it wrong. Fixit offers to download him a study guide, however, once they have him hooked up, Bumblebee calls them away to the stasis pods. Grimlock attempts to fiddle with the data cylinder, but everything goes wrong, and Grimlock is left lying on the ground.

The others find him lying on the ground, and as he wakes up they discover Grimlock's brain has been greatly boosted in power. Fixit reports that the data cylinder is empty, the contents having been loaded into Grimlock's brain. Unfortunately, as Grimlock says, his condition is going to result in the breakdown of his neural pathways and eventual death. As they're discussing possible solutions, the alarm sounds and Fixit reports that a Decepticon signal has been detected at the experimental energy research laboratory. He's able to identify the Decepticon as Simacore, a scientist paired with the Mini-Cons Axiom and Theorem. Bumblebee is reluctant to take Grimlock along, but Grimlock quotes the likelihood of the mission's failure without him, and Bumblebee reluctantly agrees

As they arrive at the research laboratory, Grimlock suffers his first headache, but he's able to quickly get them inside by deducing the entry keycode. Fixit radios to report he may have come up with a cure for Grimlock's condition. Grimlock announces he believes that Simacore is after the particle accelerator's secondary control circuit, which could be used in a Cybertronian starship, and at that point, they run into the Decepticon himself, who is surprised to meet an intelligent Dinobot. Though the Mini-Cons he fires miss the Autobots entirely, Grimlock accidentally stumbles, knocking over Bumblebee and Strongarm. Matched against Simacore, Grimlock finds his sudden need to calculate every possible tactic a hindrance to his normal "instinctual" brawling style, and instead swipes the control circuit and makes off with it. Knocking out Bumblebee and Strongarm, the Decepticon gives chase

Grimlock seals himself in the particle accelerator control room, barricading the rear door. While he attempts to come up with a plan of attack, Simacore has his Mini-Cons magnetized Bumblebee and Strongarm to the particle accelerator, and begins the charging process. Fixit, Denny, and Russell arrive and are let into the control room by Grimlock. Fortunately, Fixit's cure works, draining the information out of Grimlock's brain and back into the data cylinder, though it leaves Grimlock temporarily immobile. Russell has a plan — with five minutes to go, he has Grimlock invite Simacore to the observation room for a battle of wits. Simacore insists on giving the first question, the classic "two trains leaving different cities" problem. Fixit is unable to provide Grimlock with the mathematical answer in his panic, but the Dinobot finds a solution to the problem Simacore hadn't anticipated, as one of the cities is Nuon City, which no longer exists and thus cannot have a train. Simacore reluctantly acquiesces and asks for Grimlock's question. Things look dire as the panicky Fixit locks up, unable to come up with a brainteaser, but Grimlock has his own very simple question for the Decepticon and has regained his mobility to boot, flattening Simacore as he ponders Grimlock's little puzzle. With seconds left, Grimlock solves the problem of getting to his teammates in time by smashing through the wall and smashing the magnet control panel, just in time for Bumblebee and Strongarm to jump free from the particle accelerator before it fires.

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