What if Bluestar never became leader?

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She didn't think this would happen. She thought she could stop him. She thought keeping her kits in ThunderClan was right.

     Blood lies in his path. Goosefeather's words rang in her ears.

     After Thistleclaw got his nine lives, he picked Sparrowpelt as his deputy.  It didn't start off full of death and destructions. Bluefur gave birth to Oakheart's kits. They grew up into apprentices and then warriors. Mistyfoot, Mosspelt, and Stonefur were their names. All was well with them.

     But two moons after Thistlestar's ceremony, Goosefeather was driven mad, constantly saying, "Blood will run." He died drowning in the river on the RiverClan border.

     A moon after that, Sparrowpelt was killed over a Sunningrocks battle. Tigerclaw was made deputy. Bluefur had to stop him from almost killing a WindClan apprentice when he accidentally crossed the border. Thistlestar punished her by making her cleaning the elder's den. It was outrageous.

     Then there followed so many battles with all the Clans; so many senseless deaths. ThunderClan was becoming weak. Warriors injuries were never fully healed before they were thrown back into the frey. The last battle came at the highest of prices.

     Bluefur was fighting a ShadowClan warrior when she saw Mosspelt in combat with a WindClan cat. Out of nowhere, a ShadowClan cat lunged for her throat.

     "Bluefur, help me!" she cried.

     Bluefur tried to get to her daughter, but was stopped by another warrior. She watched in horror as Mosspelt's throat was torn open and her eyes went blank.

     In revenge, Mistyfoot jumped on top of the murdering cat and raked her claws down his side. But the WindClan cat knocked her off, jumped on top of her back and killed her instantly.

     Bluefur's heart shattered. She still had one kit left. She searched desperately for Stonefur, and found him fighting with three ShadowClan cats. One of them ran off, but Stonefur was getting tired. Bluefur fought her hardest to get to him, but she was to late as they overtook him.

     "You could have saved us," he said. Then his eyes went blank and he breathed his last.

     Everyone she knew was dead : Whitestorm, Thrushpelt, even Oakheart had perished in the bloodbath. Stonefur was right. She could have saved them all.

     Bringing her kits to RiverClan would have not just saved them, but her whole Clan just as the prophecy said. It was all her fault. She had known that Thistleclaw was dangerous, but ignored the warning. She had killed them all.

   Oh StarClan, what have I done?

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 23, 2019 ⏰

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