Chapter 7

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Coming back to consciousness, the first thing that registered was the pain in my head. Trying to lift my arm up, I realised a second thing, my arms where tied in place.

Starting to panic, I frantically began trying to bust out of the chains binding me. this alerted my captor that I was awake as a panel of light entered the darkness of the room making my eyes burn with the sudden intrusion.

"Missstressss is awake again." hissed the creature its eyes glinting with something I couldn't quite comprehend.

"Look I don't know who you think I am but you're wrong. I have no idea who this mistress is and I really need to go I'm only here to save some nobleman with my team" I yelled back in a panicked state feeling my heart beating erratically in my chest.

"Mistresssssss will remember, she just needsssss time." the creature shot back irritation evident as it stalked from the room and slammed the door shut behind him.

Left alone in the darkness of the cell, I assessed my options. I was too weak to summon armour or spirits and at this point I was pretty certain that I wouldn't be found. deciding I was sounding too much like a damsel in distress, I retrieved the whip still by my side working through the pain.

Activating my demon dress, I channelled the powers of Sathanas. "I call on the powers of the gate of Ira, Sathanas". In a flash of light, my outfit changed. the dress was all red, flames surrounded me and instantly the chains binding me melted. With the increased temperature, I was able to melt the lock on the door and escape.

Running through the darkened corridors, I had no idea which way I was going. No idea which way was the right way to get to Laxus and the team.

Light appeared in front of me and I took it as a good sign, burting through the wooden door.

"WHERE IS SHE?" I heard Laxus yelling, lightning blasting throughout the entire room and the screams of the strange creature that had kept me chained.

"Mistresss cannot leave again. Master will be displeased if she doessssss." it hissed out in a shrill, pained voice.

"Laxus, its okay, I'm safe. Can we just go home please?" I asked wearily directing his attention away from the pitiful creature in front of me.

"Missstressss is kind. Mistressss saved me." the creature said vanishing before Laxus had a chance to destroy it completely.

Rushing over to me, he pulled me into a tight embrace burying his face in my hair, I could feel his tears. "I was sure that he had killed you Luce. I thought you where gone when he wouldn't tell us where you were"

"Well it's okay Laxus, I'm fine I just want to go home now. Please." I said tiredly as he nodded.

Trying to walk again, the adrenaline finally left me leaving my legs feeling like jelly. They buckled under me. Waiting for the impact of the hard sto ne ground, it never came. Instead, I was lifted up. Looking up I was met with Laxus' face. "Sleep now blondie, I'll get us home." he said following Ever, Bixlow and Freed back to our hotel.

~A.N. hope this chapter was okay. I know it was short, I had a bit of writers block on where I wanted this to go. I've also finished college now so there will definitely be more regular updates. feedback is welcomed as always and thanks for reading!!!~

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