Chapter 1

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A.N- in this story lissanna is going to be shown as evil sorry lissanna lovers but it's just to get the story going I have got nothing against her personally but anyway enjoy <3

Lucy P.O.V

As soon as I walked into the guild, I knew something was wrong, the air felt heavier than usual and people seemed to ignore me more than usual. It had been around a month since Lissanna 'came back from the dead' and everyone since has ignored me. Well, not everyone the thunder god tribe have been speaking to me but that is only because they know the truth behind my power and heritage.

I sat at the bar and tried to get Mirajane's attention only to be completely blanked. Sighing I resigned myself to being dehydrated for as long as I stayed for the day. The time I spent in the guildhall had started to become less and less.

Turning around in my seat I looked out at the sea of faces who up until a month ago where all my nakama, my family, now I wasn't so sure. While looking my eyes caught on a familiar sight Team Natsu sat at their usual table with Lissanna next to Natsu. When suddenly they all looked over to me.

Feeling awkward I bowed my head. Seconds later I head someone clear their throat in front of me, looking up I saw it was the previously mentioned team standing before me. " Hey Luce, can I say something to you?" Natsu asked slight nervousness edging into his voice.

" Yeah sure" I said trying to smile but dreading the worst. For once the whole guild was silent waiting to hear what Natsu wanted to say to me.

"We want you off Team Natsu and Lissanna to take your place!" he said

Tears threatened to fall from my eyes as Erza continued " After all Lucy, how can we have someone as weak as you on our team?"

" Yeah all you do is hide behind your spirits all the time and expect us to save you!" Grey added.

With that last comment from Grey the Thunder God Tribe came down from the second floor and, hearing what the Team had just said to me had Natsu and Grey in headlocks.

"What did you just say about Lucy?!" Bixlow demanded about to call for his babies.

"Bix, don't bother to be honest I expected this to come any day now. Its not their fault I never told them is it?" after saying this I stood up from my stool and wiped my eyes " I'm going up to go see Gramps okay? Please don't kill anyone" I said towards the Rajinshuu when I said that.

On the way up the stairs I though about what I wanted to do. Did I want to leave the guild? Should I continue as a solo mage? I don't know! Once I was outside of Gramps' office, I knocked on the door and heard him tell me to enter.

"I guess you know what happened down there Gramps?" I asked him tears starting to form again.

"Yes my child, what do you wish to do?" he asked no rejection only love showing in his eyes. He loved all of his children no matter what did I really want to leave the warmth? Making up my mind I went to open my mouth to answer the masters question when a very angry looking Laxus threw open his office door.

" Lucy you can't leave Fairy Tail!" he gasped out walking over to me " I know what Natsu that bastard did but please don't leave! You can join my team," he said clearly making up his mind about my fate.

Looking at him then to the door where the rest of the Rajinshuu where I sighed, tears falling down my cheeks and nodding in agreement the master stood up and hopped onto his desk "well Lucy my child should I tell the rest of the guild the truth or would you rather me not?"

"Tell them everything" I said while grinning. This was going to be fun...

Walking out of the master's office we stood on the second floor balcony, Laxus and I on either side of the master while the rest of the tribe stood behind. Silence fell over the guildhall again as the master spoke.

"To think that something so horrible has just happened in our own guild! How dare you think that it is okay to replace one person for another?!" he exclaimed anger rising "we are a guild, a family and it is for that reason that Lucy is finally ready for you all to know the truth behind her existence and the true extent of her power"

By now everyone in the guild where looking at each other in total confusion. " Team Natsu, you called Lucy weak but did you know that she has been S-Class since first joining this guild?" Master questioned as gasps where heard throughout the room especially from Team Natsu who had just called me weak.

"Lucy is actually a god slayer and can requip faster than even Erza can. Not only this but she also holds some gate keys for demonic spirits" again more gasps where heard throughout the guildhall. " That isn't all because she has also agreed to showing you her true form" 

With this Lucy stepped forward and stated to take off her belt with her keys on it and her bracelet....

A.N- sorry if some of the characters like Laxus seemed very O.C but it was mainly to set the pace for the story don't worry he will return to his usual self in later chapters.

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