Chapter 9

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Hi everyone, so sorry for no updates I've found it a little difficult to find time and inspiration for this story lately however, I hope now I've reviewed everything and replanned, I can start with regular updates. Sorry it's a little short also, I'm getting back into the swing of writing stories again so the next one should be longer. Hope you enjoy and again sorry about the really long wait!


Opening my eyes slowly, I winced as bright light assaulted my sensitive irises only to be quickly dimmed again "Sorry Luce!" Laxus' voice came from my left. opening my eyes again, I realised I was in the infirmary. 

'What happened to me?' I asked voice coming out hoarse and straining my throat, indicating the amount of time I'd been out cold.

'We don't know blondie, you just collapsed at the doors to the guild and your magic was pouring out of you. it looked like it was poisoning you. master and I decided to put a suppressant on you with Porlyusica's help before it completely depleted you.' he explained while checking me over ensuring I was all back to normal.

'Okay. Did Porlyusica have any ideas on what happened? She's usually great at diagnosis. And where is Snake?' I asked concerned I'd be useless so long as I had to suppress my power and wondering why I wasn't assaulted in a hug from my familiar as soon as I'd awoken.

'Snake went with Porlyusica- she's running a few tests as we speak looking into what is going on. Hopefully it's nothing too serious and she can fix it. Even if she can't though I won't stop looking until I find something to help you. You know that right?' he asks the depths of emotions in his eyes made me believe every word was full of true sincerity.

'Thanks Laxus. Let's go to the bar, I want a strawberry milkshake and out of my sickbed okay?' I asked him as he grinned, helping me up until I brushed off his supporting arm.

Although my legs were a little shaky, i still managed to walk on my own and slowly made it to the bar. Only when I sat down did I realise the guild was silent watching me warily. furrowing my brow in confusion, i looked around questioning the looks I was receiving.

'We were worried about you Lu! You collapsed with black blood seeping from you and way too much magic energy, then Porlyusica rushed through and nobody but Master and Laxus were allowed to see you.' Levy explained coming over with Gajeel her ever-present shadow giving me a similar look to everyone else, assessing the damage.

'Don't worry about me everyone, I'm peachy.' I grinned at them all as they finally started to turn back around and resume conversations although casting sceptical looks my way beforehand.

'Lu are you sure? What did Porlyusica say about what happened?' Levy asked me concerned while Laxus tensed beside me concern radiating off him in waves.

'We don't actually know Levy. Laxus said she's running tests at the minute to determine what happened but please just keep it down I don't want anyone to be concerned.' I replied while placing a hand gently on Laxus' arm to try and calm him. It's not like I was at deaths door so the concern was really confusing me. 

'Alright but you let me know as soon as the results come back LuLu!' she said giving me a hug and sitting beside me, Gajeel following suit. 

Drinking the milkshake and zoning out, a loud yell suddenly snapped me from my dazed state making me jump from my seat ready for whatever was happening. Turns out it was Natsu yelling at Gray as usual. What over I had no idea but Erza stopped them as usual and a pang of nostalgia made its way into my heart only to be crushed instantly as Lissanna made her was to Natsu and pulled him towards her in a kiss.

It felt like my world had stopped spinning and everything became fuzzy. Willing the tears down, I made my way through the guild to the second floor to get away from the scene playing out in front of me. Laxus and Levy shared a look as I felt a presence following me, I knew it was Laxus.

'You okay blondie?' He asked me quietly as he pulled me into his side for a hug and the tears I had been repressing spilled over. 

'Sorry Laxus. I don't even know why I'm crying about it I should be happy, I have you guys I dont need much else so why am I upset?' I asked hiding my face in his chest as he pulled me tighter.

'Because he was your best friend Luce. That doesn't just go away on it's own it'll take time. You're mad with him but you can't stop loving him at the drop of a hat believe me.' He replied quietly pulling me closer still and rubbing my back as I let myself cry and be weak for just a little longer. 

'Where are you Luceeeeee?' Snake's voice hollered from the lower floor as i made myself look like I hadn't been crying best I could and popped my head over the bannister.

'Up here!' I yelled back noticing Porlyusica next to him as a feeling of dread settled in the pit of my stomach knowing her facial expression meant that the problem really was something serious. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 18, 2020 ⏰

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