Heena... ?😯

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Recap: Suraj gave Madhu to the welfare office. Where she gave her mother's name...


Suraj shocked, he stood up and walks to her. "What did you said, her name is...?".

Madhu shook her head. "Not is... was... *sniff*".

Suraj bend down to her. "What she isn't anymore?".

Madhu shook her head. "No Papa, she isn't anymore...!". She cries on her hands...

The social worker looked at him. "So you know the mother of the child?". Suraj nods, he lifts Madhu in his embrace. "Haan she is my daughter!".

"Madhuballa Heena Rehan Rajvanshi"

Madhu looked at him. "Papa!!". She hugs him tight and Suraj took her along with him.

The social worker asked him again. "Are you sure?". Suraj glares at her. "Madhu told me that the people in the youth welfare aren't nice. I'm Suraj Rajvanshi I will get an inspection done!". He warns her not to come in between his decision as it will give her only consequences for her office.

She backs off and let them go.

Madhu looked at him in an admiring way.

Suraj places her on the passengers seat and put the belt on her

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Suraj places her on the passengers seat and put the belt on her. He himself sat on the driver seat and start the car without looking at her. Neither did he said a word, he was lost...

 Neither did he said a word, he was lost

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Heena Rehan.... she is your girl...?

Madhu was looking at him continuously. "Papa...!". She calls for him as the signal turns green. "Papa!". This time she shouts and Suraj come out of his trance.

"Haan what?". He looked at her in anger.

Madhu pouts. "Can't you hear the horns? The signal turns green!". She points toward the traffic signal and he starts the car. Soon they arrived home and Suraj went to the kitchen all were sleeping but he was hungry. Knowing that she too must be hungry, he made for both something.

Madhu was sitting at the dining table. She looked at him with an upset face. "You really wanted to give me away?". She asked broken...

Suraj shook his head. "If, then mom would have killed me. Now eat your bread!". Madhu eat the toast with jam. "You did this to find out who my mom was?". Suraj nods... No Girl I wanted to give you away for real. But knowing your mother's name changed my mind.

Soon they finished their food.
Madhu looked at him. "Papa we are from different religion is that the reason why Maa and you got separated?".

Suraj shook his head. "No, and never put the religion in between us okay!". He scold her n she nods. She sat next to him and places her head on his lap... soon she falls asleep.

Suraj lifts her up and she was sleeping on his bed peacefully...

Suraj was sitting on the couch looking at the little one...

Heena Rehan...

Years ago we met.

The last time we spoke was, when she told me that, she is pregnant...

Heena looked at Suraj. "Suraj say something?".

Suraj was shocked. "You are what?".

Heena nods with a big smile. "Haan Suraj I am pregnant. I'm so happy!".

Suraj could see her happiness, but he was concerned about her reputation and dignity. "Heena you are a Muslim! You are an unmarried woman the society will cursing you".

Heena didn't care. "Suraj it's my child and my life, I don't care what the world would say as it's my life. But will you help me, I mean support me?". She asked him.

Suraj hold her hand. "Haan Heena of course I will help you, but what about the father... what he said?!". Suraj anger was raising.

Heena knows it and she also knew how much he hates her Boyfriend. "No Suraj, he doesn't want to be with me and the child. But I won't be that cruel. It's my child, I won't make the sin by aborting it".

Suraj nods. "I told you, that he is an asshole. But Haan I'm there you don't worry!".

In these months of her pregnancy, he was always on her side, but she felt that people were giving their friendship a bad name....

She gave birth to a girl. Suraj was there and the doctor asked for the father's name.

Suraj comes in front of him. "Why?".

The doctor looked at him. "For the birth certificate!".

Suraj looked at Heena. He signs on it...

Heena was shocked. "Suraj why?".

Suraj looked at her. "I told You I will be there for your support. I don't want that she will get to know, who her father is. It's better if she thinks it's me!".

But for Heena it was too much, he has given her illegitimate child a name...

She left from there without a word...

Suraj stood up and walked to her room. No wonder you are like me... on your whole pregnancy I was there, not being your biological father I have given you some attitude...

He opens her bag and found the birth certificate with his signature.

Madhuballa Heena Rehan Rajvanshi

Daughter of Heena Rehan and Suraj Rajvanshi...

I saw you the last time, when you gave birth to her... You left me without saying good bye and now you left her alone...!

Teju and KN knew about Heena, as she was like their daughter. Suraj didn't hide it, he went to their room and knocked at their door, which opens. He told them the truth who she is...

KN looked at him. "You sign on it, right?".

Suraj nods. "Haan I did, I accept her because I don't wanted her to be humiliated!".

Teju smiles. "She is our Grandchild!". They were happy by knowing the true...


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