Chapter 7

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ATTENTION: i have nothing against Madison. She's beautiful and her voice is amazing I just needed a person and shes big with drama at the moment because of rumors that aren't true. She explained them in a video. Anyways on with the shitty story.

Olivia's P.O.V.

My lip slipped in between my teeth as I smiled. "Yes," I replied queitly. A smile appeared on Hayes' face. Both of his hands were resting on my waist as he lifted me up and spun me around. As he set me down on the ground a voice spoke up. "Um Olivia can we uh talk?"

I know that voice. My eyes landed on Madison who was nervously standing in the door way. I wanted to be sassy and tell her no but my curiosity got the best of me. I pulled away from Hayes' before kissing his nose.

I slowly walked over to Madison. She seemed utterly nervous.

"Yes," I said in a somewhat sassy tone.

"I'm sorry," she blurted out. I think my jaw just dropped.

"Okay so I found out why you don't like me. Justin said that I gave you shit on twitter. That wasn't me. My fake friends went on my account and tweeted stuff about you and I didn't know. I'm also sorry about giving you the weird look this morning. I thought you had a thing for Justin and not his sister until he told me."

I looked at Madison's eyes. They held completely sincerity. I let out the breath I didn't realize I had.

"I forgive you," I said with a smile. She smiled back at me.

"Let's go shopping while the boys are gone," Madison said.

"Okay I need to get some vans."

I glanced over my shoulder to see if Hayes was still there. He wasn't. I guess he went to the show.


Madison and I ran through the front doors of the hotel. We collapsed on the ground laughing.

"That's the fastest I've ever ran," Madison said in between laughs.

We basically crawled to elevators like babies. We crawled out of the elevator collapsing onto our floor.

Some lady dragged her kid out of the elevator after she saw us.

"What the hell happened to you two?"

My eyes locked with Shawn's deep brown eyes. My gaze then traveled to Jack G who was taking pictures of us on the floor.

"C'mon let's get you two to the room," Shawn said while reaching down to pick me up. Gilinsky grabbed Madison and carried her bridal style.

My legs were wrapped around Shawn's torso as he started walking towards the room.

When we got to the door Madison knocked on it. A few moments went by before it opened. The door opened and Taylor was standing there shirtless with only basketball shorts on.

"Princess? Madison? what the hell happened to you guys?"

Madison and I looked at each other and burst out laughing.

"We were at Pacsun," I said. "And all these girls saw us and started chasing us," Madison finished.

Taylor chuckled and then moved so we could get further into the room. I moved my head so I could see who was in the room.

All the guys were in there besides Liam,Aaron,Cameron, and Jack Johnson.

Shawn set me down on the ground causing me to stumble a little bit.

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