Chapter 5

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Extra long chapter coming up for you guys xx

I haven't really been around everyone this past week, I've been really busy setting up my new room. I managed to visit my dad too, he seems fine. He got a new job and he seems happy, which I'm glad.
It's just the afternoon and I decided to sit and watch a movie, since everyone is gone,some on a double date, the others God knows where. I turn on the TV and flick through some channels to find nothing intresting. Without cliché parties, and classes there isn't a lot to do here. Yeah I've made friends, but no one super close, no one I can go to movies with, or talk about boys to. Which I must admit really really sucks.

"You're very entertaining to watch you know" I jump up about to scream for my life and then I see Harry sitting down on the sofa beside me.

"Harry, for fucks sake, you scared the shit out of me."

"I know I did" he chuckles to himself. If he wasn't this gorgeous, I'd slap him.

"Where have you been all this week, I haven't seen you once?"

"I've been busy, done up my room, went to classes, which you don't do"

"Of course I don't ? Who does? You. But that's because you're a nerd, oh and stop wearing these skirts, you're covering up what you're meant to show off"

I blush madly, that means he thinks I have something to show off.

"Don't tell me what to wear Styles."

"If I told you what to wear trust me, you would be in my bed, looking all fucked and pretty" he smirks looking at me.

He has such a weird affect on my body,anything he says sends butterflies down my stomach.

"Oh shut up, you can dream about that"

"I already do"

"No you dont"

"Yes I do"

I groan

He groans

"You're an asshole".. I state looking at him.

"You're hot" he states looking at me.

I'm not falling for his games

"And you're not"

"Stop lying to yourself sweetie" he is so cocky ughhh

"You're so annoying you know that right?"

"You love it, admit it"

"I don't"

"You do"

"I don't"

"So you're telling me if I do this" he slowly places his hand on my thigh, squeezing it lightly, I can barely feel it. "Your heart doesn't beat ten times faster"

Oh how my heart is beating right now. I've never felt this way over anyone touching my thigh, not even my 3 year boyfriend

"N-no, no it doesnt" I stutter, fuck he is so gonna know now

He sits closer to me till our faces are inches apart, takes his hand off of my thigh and places it on my cheek, his hands are so soft, and his eyes are so green it's like the second you look into them you're already lost.

"And now, I'm going to kiss you" I can feel his lips brush against mine.

"I BROUGHT FOOD" Louis barges in through the door and harry jumps up moving away from me.

"Oh uhm shit. .. I didn't mean to interrupt." Louis actually looks sorry, and it's not even such a big deal. He is so sweet.

"You ruined nothing, it was just a kiss" he states as if it was nothing. Well that stung.


Harry stands up and leaves and Louis sits beside me.

"He didn't mean that you know, Harry is very bipolar, and he can't act like Harry around girls he likes, so he decides to be mean, give him a chance , he really is into you." Louis smiles at me while eating his crisps.

Harry and Louis are best mates,and it's really cute how Louis sticks up for Harry.

"It's fine" I smile softly "He was right, it was just a kiss"

Or was it really just a kiss ?

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