Chapter 7

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I'm going to make this a #Sarry chapter today (their ship name BTW x)


I wake up the next day just to find Harry not beside me.

I don't think me and Harry could be anything more than good friends, we are two really different people, I can see how hard Louis and Jessica are trying for us to be together but I feel like it really isn't going to work. I'm innocent and he is literally the most experienced guy here.

I walk into the kitchen sitting on the stool I look at Harry as he's making something to eat.

"I can feel you staring at me" he chuckles turning around to me.

"I wasn't staring at you, I was staring at the food actually" I roll my eyes walking up to the fridge.

"Would you wanna go out with me?"

"Like a date?" I look up at him shocked

"Yeah... a date?"

"Okay... sure? I guess?"

"Great be ready by like 5" he smiles going back to cooking his food.


"Harry can be nice, but be careful I mean he's only had one relationship and now he just fucks around with every girl. He is very experienced and has a lot of friends. He can be really friendly but still be careful. He also has a very bad temper."

As I'm getting ready for this "date" they are the only words I can hear in my head. I don't have a lot of experience with guys but whatever I did have really really wasn't good. I always pick the worst people to go out with, like literally the worst.

"OH MY GOD" Louis barges in through the door. "Harry told me, he asked you out on a date!?" He squels jumping on to the bed. "He never asks anyone out for dates, I mean literally no one. Oh my god" he takes the pillow hugging it. " I knew it, I knew it from the party, the way he looked at you, I knew it straight away" he smiles looking at me.

"Louis you're imagining things, he just wants me to like him, like every other girl does" I look at him through the mirror while I finish curling the ends of my hair. (Picture of what summer is wearing¡👆)

"Trust me, you don't know him yet, and you'll get to know him and you'll see that these really aren't his intentions" he smiles at me " then you'll get married and have kids and I'll be the godfather" I chuckle at him, he really does have high hopes.

I hear the knock on the door and I walk downstairs opening it.

"You ready?" He smiles showing his dimples while looking me up and down not caring that I'll notice that he's checking me out. I blush madly.

"Yeah I'm ready" I smile turning around to get my sunglasses off of the cupboard that's right beside the door. I take them and look up just to see Louis, Lilly, Niall and Jessica giving me a thumbs up and smiling widely. Jeez they really want Harry to have a girlfriend.

I walk outside and get into the car as he does the same.
"So where are we going?" I smile looking at him.

"Well, I'm bringing you to a place that I've never brought anyone to but Louis, my best mate."

"I already feel special" I chuckle to myself.

The rest of the ride was silent, it wasn't a awkward silence it was a nice comfortable one. I noticed all the features on Harrys face that I haven't noticed before. His pink plump lips, he has very long dark eyelashes, his hair is literally everywhere but in a nice way. He has a very sharp jawline, and a few freckles on his nose. Everything about him is just so charming, but he himself really tends to ruin that.

We arrive at a forest and we get out, Harry takes my hand leads me down a path. Oh God our hands fit together perfectly. It all just seems so so perfect. No I need to remember what I said.

Just close friends.

We walk for another 5 minutes.

He stops. "Here we are", he smiles sitting down onto the blanket that's set up, the blanket is filled with loads of all kinds of food and a few bottles of champagne. The view is absolutely breathtaking you can literally see all of the town, every building everything it's so so pretty. I sit down next to Harry.

"This is really really pretty Harry" I smile looking at him.

He smiles back at me, "I never brought anyone but Louis and my mom here, my mom actually showed me this place after our dad left us, it was like our getaway place" he smiled to himself but I could see the sadness in his eyes.

"Why don't you come here anymore with her?" I open the champagne bottle pouring it into two glasses.

"We fell out, after I broke up with my long term girlfriend, I started to be really distant, I started to hurt people's feelings, and I never really visited anymore, about a month ago she called and we fell out completely, I swore that I'll never ever show my feelings towards a girl anymore. But now I met you, and you're just so different, and I can't wrap my head around it. I just really need to know you."

It's so crazy how I thought so bad of Harry, but Louis was right. Once I get to know him I'll grow to like him. He has reasons behind his actions and I'm very happy that he decided to share those reasons with me. Maybe we can be something more than friends.

We talked and talked for hours about our feelings and our past, and how my mom left me and I came here just to keep my dad happy. He told me that his mom would be really happy to hear that he's intrested in a girl again.

We talked and talked until we fell asleep under the stars being able to see the whole city, and I was even able to see the chances we had of making this work.

I got the opportunity to see that Harry is actually a nice guy, and maybe maybe, we can be something more.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 12, 2018 ⏰

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