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A/N: hey guys! I changed the start of it so it would be an og piece. Love you guys! 


"You're stupid." Stacey McCall giggles as her and her twin brother were playing in the sandpit at school. Stacey and Scott McCall; known to be the twins of their preschool. Not that anyone paid much attention to them because they weren't popular.

"You just got to imagine it, Stacey," Scott McCall stumbled over his words. Scott had always have had trouble getting his words out, with all the stuttering; it really was a mess. But somehow Stacey understands clearly.

"Imagine what? That's not a castle, stupid." Stacey McCall rolled her eyes and the awful looking san castle that Scott tried to create for his sister so that they can both run away and move into that castle and escape from this life. Of course, they would take their wonderful mother that's taken care of them.

Scott pouted at his sister, annoyed. He then glanced off in the distance, watching the two most popular kids he knows, Lydia Martin and Jackson Whittemore. Jackson had always bullied Stacey, but when Scott found out he grew angry, the five-year-old had made things better for Stacey but worse for him. Jackson now bullies Scott.

"Hello," another shy kid that had a weird haircut and brown cute eyes looked over at the McCall twins.

"Hello!" Stacey McCall said, perking up a bit at the new kid she hasn't seen before. "Hey, can you tell me if this looks like a sand castle to you?" The five-year-old girl gestured towards the castle, which ganged Scott's attention and looked down at his castle sadly. He wished his sister would accept their castle.

Stiles, the boy, looked at the castle. He begins to grow even more nervous around the pretty girl in front of him, he's never talked to a pretty girl before. "Uh... no," Stiles stated making Scott, the boy he had never met before get upset. Stiles just wanted to get along with the girl.

"You two have no imagination," the young boy sighed, rolling his eyes. "Mum always says imagination is key to life."

"And guess what?" Stacey gasped dramatically. "Money grows on trees!"

Scott's eyes widened excitedly. "Really!?" Scott asked his sister and Stacey giggled, which sounded like music in Stiles' ears.

"No, stupid." Stacey shakes her head, she turned her attention to the unknown boy. "What's your name? I'm Stacey McCall and this is my stupid twin brother Scott McCall."

"I'm Stiles," Stiles smiled nervously and sat down next to Stacey on the sandpit, feeling accepted by the two friends.

"That's such a cool name!" Stacey smiled dramatically.

"Thanks!" Stiles grinned at the brunette. Usually, people would scrunch their noses and ask 'why would parents name a child like that?', Stiles knew it was a nickname to his real name because he couldn't pronounce it. So it felt nice knowing that a pretty girl thought his name was cool.

"I'm not stupid." Scott shakes his head, pouting. "I'm just not as smart as you."

"You just pretty much admitted that you are stupid."

Now that Stacey, Scott, and Stiles are going into high school in a few weeks, after growing up together, they finally move onto high school and for most teenagers, high school was pretty boring, tortuous, long hard working, years. But for some people like Stacey McCall, Scott McCall, and Stiles Stilinski; their high school was by far the most interesting, toxic, supernatural, years of their lives.


I hopped off the bike and we were at school, Scott laughed at something I had just said and I stuck my tongue out at him. Scott locked away the bike. We were cut off by the biggest jock in the world, Jackson Whittemore.

Me and Scott both have a hatred for him.

Ya either wanna be like Jackson, or ya hate him. We hate him.

I linked my lips nervously as Jackson climbs out of his Porsche. He likes to show it off, I wanna egg it.

Jackson climbed out of his car and looked at me and Scott, up and down like we were nothing. I hate his guts. Jackson had opened the door on Scott, which made me glare at him.

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