Dreams Aren't What They Seem

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Jimin's POV:

I stand at the front of the class, feeling as though my heart is going to beat right out of my chest. Today is my first lesson at the Foreign Academy of Dance. I've only just turned 20, and I'm tingling with excitement. The studio is large and spotlessly clean, the complete opposite of the studio I used to practice in, back home in Korea. 

"Welcome to your first day at the Foreign Academy of Dance." Mr. Jeon begins, his posture stiff and strict, while his eyes braze over the fresh, first year students...including myself. "There are exactly 21 of you, and over the next few days, that's going to be cut down to 12." He says coldly, scowling at all of us. "Beginning this week, you will be put through Ballet Boot Camp. It will be rigorous, and by the time it's over, you'll probably wish you'd never started. However...if you are one of those lucky 12...this will be your entrance to the world of dance." His french is slightly slurred by his Korean Satoori...which I find kind of attractive. 

I've studied French for the last 4 years, so I'm pretty fluent in it, however, there are times when I get confused and have to ask someone to repeat themselves or rephrase their entire sentence. 

Mr. Jeon Jungkook is a tall man, with dark eyes and hair. His skin tone plays between Honey Gold and Ivory White. He's incredibly handsome, but his disposition is generally cold and unapproachable...something I don't particularly like. 

"...Let's get started." He finally says, looking over the crowd, when suddenly his eyes land on me. My throat chokes up and for a moment I'm afraid he'll ask me a question, or perhaps ask me to show an example of something to the class. "...What's your name?" He suddenly asks, nodding his head in my direction. 

"P-Park Jimin." I answer shyly. Once more he looks over me before he huffs some air and walks away, his eyes cold and judgmental. 

"We will begin in sets of four at the bar!" He announces as he walks to a corner of the room. "I want precise and open Developpes." Quickly four of the girls run to the bar, taking their positions as they begin. 

"Damn..." I hear one of the guys whisper behind me to their friend. "I wish I could've been apart of the first set. I hear that Mr. Jeon is the worst teacher here, and the only way to get on his good side is to  be first at everything. Apparently he has this thing about students grabbing his attention early on..." I take note of their conversation and decide that it's something I'm going to focus on from here on out. 

"Next set!" Mr. Jeon shouts, and I take in a deep breath, stepping forward. However, before I can reach the bar, it is filled with another set. 

I sigh and saunter back to my place among the crowd of cowards. 

I watch in awe as each student does a beautiful job  on their developpe, feeling slightly jealous at how strong their legs and arms are. 

"Next set!" The teacher shouts and again I try to reach the bar, but am only pushed away. 

I notice Mr. Jeon  Jungkook's hard stare on me. He scowls at me, making it very clear that he is not pleased with my work so far. 

In the end, I am apart of the very last set, and I can't help but feel sick to my stomach. He walks along side of the bar, slowly taking one step at a time as he examines our stance. I do my best to stay focused and forget that he's even there, however, as he nears me I get nervous and lose my balance, falling out of place. 

"Stop!" He shouts, making everyone wince and stop what they're doing. I gulp and look up at him, much like a child waiting for their reprimand. "I distinctly remember asking for precise and open Developpes..." His voice growls. "...will I have to beg you to do something so simple?" He spits, folding his arms in front of his chest. 

"N-Not at all, Mr. Jeon. I will do better-"

"I should hope so....this place isn't for those who cannot..."

I want to ask him to finish his sentence, but then I realize what he means. This is a place of do, not don't.

"We will move on." He continues, glaring at me. "Everyone at the bar, Fondu." He commands and quickly everyone scurries into place, keeping their eyes averted from his. 

Fondu-although it sounds like food- is actually among the most simple selection of ballet moves. It focuses on testing rhythm, and lines. 

"1 and 2, and 3, and 4..." Mr. Jeon Jungkook goes on to count each of the steps as we move on to each part. 

~Time Skip~

At the end of class, I quickly gather up my things and take a deep breath, rushing to catch up with our newest teacher. 

"M-Mr. Jeon?" I say gently as I come up beside him. 

He says nothing, only cocks an eyebrow and glares at me. 

"I um....I wanted to firstly, apologize for earlier. I wasn't myself. I guess I'm just nervous for my first day is all-"

"Get to the point, Mr. Park." He spits, standing up from his seat and walking, expecting me to follow suit. 

"I um...I wanted to thank you for today. I...I really enjoyed your lesson and I feel like this year is going to be really amazing!" I smile up at him, making him stop and sigh deeply. 

"Rather sure of yourself aren't you?" He grumbles. 

"Pardon?" I ask.

Again he sighs deeply, before turning to face me square on. The classroom is long empty by now, leaving Mr. Jeon and I alone. "Mr. Park, I can  see that this is something you must care a lot about, however, dance isn't for everyone." His words sting like venom. "Your ankles are weak, your thighs are weak as well, and that leads me to wonder what you're eating. You're far overweight compared to the students whom actually make it into the academy." He sighs and places a cold hand on my shoulder. "Many people love to dance...however...dance is often a picky lover." With that he walks out the door, leaving me behind in my crushed dreams. 

I guess dreams aren't what they're made up to be...


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