The Temple Dancer

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Thank you Lovelies for 274K reads! ILYSM! 💜💜💜
Again, moving through a lot of material, please try to keep up and I'm sorry for any confusion. I love you all so so much!

Jimin's POV

"M-Mr. Jeon finals are next week." I say, feeling exasperated. 

"I understand that, Mr. Park. However, I wouldn't come to you about this if I didn't think you could do it." He explains, his arms folded and his expression stern and determined. 

I sigh, running a hand through my hair.

I've already chosen a piece for my finals. I can't be worrying about changing right now! 

~A Few Minutes Ago~

As class ends, I'm quick to hurry out of class. I'm meeting with  Taehyung. However, Mr. Jeon calls me to stay behind. 

He waits for every student to leave the class before he faces me. His face is white...

"Mr. Park..." He starts, fixing his posture. "..I have a proposition for you."

"What is it?" I ask, feeling my throat go dry.

"This is confidential information...but...for reasons that I can't say. I have need for a student to perform a particularly stunning classical piece."

"B-But Mr. Jeon didn't you tell the students that the board is looking for contemporary dance-"

"They are." He cuts me off, his eyes dark. "But I..." He clenches his jaw, trying to find the words. "The board needs to be reminded of a few things." He finally says. 

~Current Time~

"What's the piece?" I ask frustration clear in my voice. 

"La Bauadere..." He says, his voice low. 

My eyes go wide. "M-Mr. Jeon that piece is so advanced, I have no idea whether I could even attempt it. I-I have to perform something I'm comfortable with; something that I'm good at so I can impress them-"

"You can do this." He cuts me off. "I'm confident that you can. I'll help you with it. After class in the studio we'll work together."

"I...Mr. Jeon I don't know.."

"Please just think about it..." He says, looking at me with desperate eyes. "You have my number. Let me know by tonight if you're willing. If not then I guess I'll just have to find someone else more suited." He snaps before leaving. 

I bite my lip, looking after him. I feel bad...

I understand that he's probably really needing this for whatever his reasons are but...

I shake away the thought. NO! Mr. Jeon has no right to suddenly come in here and change my plans regardless of his agenda!

I leave the classroom, hurrying to meet Taehyung and Eunwoo for lunch.These days they're the people I'm around the most, and they make me happy. 

"Ugh, you eat like a pig." I hear Eunwoo scold Tae while his own mouth is full of food. 

"Hey, sorry I'm late." I say, smiling sweetly at the both of them as I sit down. 

"It's okay." Tae says, smiling at me as he leans forward to kiss me softly. 

"What did Jungkook want?" Eunwoo asks, sucking the sauce drippings off his thumb. 

"He was giving me some suggestions for finals." I answer smoothly. I can't tell them, even though I want to. Mr. Jeon said it was confidential. 

"Aish. Why do you get special treatment?" Eunwoo rolls his eyes at me. 

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